

polars_dataframe_indexer(→ polars.DataFrame)

Replaces 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns in the input Polars DataFrame with their corresponding index values

pandas_dataframe_indexer(→ pandas.DataFrame)

Replaces 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns in the input Pandas DataFrame with their corresponding index values

apply_reciprical_or_noise(add_reciprical, eval_model)


read_with_polars(→ polars.DataFrame)

Load and Preprocess via Polars

read_with_pandas(data_path[, read_only_few, ...])

read_from_disk(→ Tuple[polars.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame])


Read triples from triple store into pandas dataframe

get_er_vocab(data[, file_path])

get_re_vocab(data[, file_path])

get_ee_vocab(data[, file_path])

create_constraints(triples[, file_path])

load_with_pandas(→ None)

Deserialize data

save_numpy_ndarray(*, data, file_path)

load_numpy_ndarray(*, file_path)

save_pickle(*, data[, file_path])

load_pickle(*[, file_path])


Add inverse triples into dask dataframe

dataset_sanity_checking(→ None)

Module Contents

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.polars_dataframe_indexer(df_polars: polars.DataFrame, idx_entity: polars.DataFrame, idx_relation: polars.DataFrame) polars.DataFrame[source]

Replaces ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’ columns in the input Polars DataFrame with their corresponding index values from the entity and relation index DataFrames.

This function processes the DataFrame in three main steps: 1. Replace the ‘relation’ values with the corresponding index from idx_relation. 2. Replace the ‘subject’ values with the corresponding index from idx_entity. 3. Replace the ‘object’ values with the corresponding index from idx_entity.



The input Polars DataFrame containing columns: ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’.


A Polars DataFrame that contains the mapping between entity names and their corresponding indices. Must have columns: ‘entity’ and ‘index’.


A Polars DataFrame that contains the mapping between relation names and their corresponding indices. Must have columns: ‘relation’ and ‘index’.



A DataFrame with the ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’ columns replaced by their corresponding indices.

Example Usage:

>>> df_polars = pl.DataFrame({
        "subject": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
        "relation": ["knows", "works_with", "lives_in"],
        "object": ["Dave", "Eve", "Frank"]
>>> idx_entity = pl.DataFrame({
        "entity": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave", "Eve", "Frank"],
        "index": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> idx_relation = pl.DataFrame({
        "relation": ["knows", "works_with", "lives_in"],
        "index": [0, 1, 2]
>>> polars_dataframe_indexer(df_polars, idx_entity, idx_relation)


  1. Join the input DataFrame df_polars on the ‘relation’ column with idx_relation to replace the relations with their indices.

  2. Join on ‘subject’ to replace it with the corresponding entity index using a left join on idx_entity.

  3. Join on ‘object’ to replace it with the corresponding entity index using a left join on idx_entity.

  4. Select only the ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’ columns to return the final result.

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.pandas_dataframe_indexer(df_pandas: pandas.DataFrame, idx_entity: pandas.DataFrame, idx_relation: pandas.DataFrame) pandas.DataFrame[source]

Replaces ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’ columns in the input Pandas DataFrame with their corresponding index values from the entity and relation index DataFrames.



The input Pandas DataFrame containing columns: ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’.


A Pandas DataFrame that contains the mapping between entity names and their corresponding indices. Must have columns: ‘entity’ and ‘index’.


A Pandas DataFrame that contains the mapping between relation names and their corresponding indices. Must have columns: ‘relation’ and ‘index’.



A DataFrame with the ‘subject’, ‘relation’, and ‘object’ columns replaced by their corresponding indices.

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.apply_reciprical_or_noise(add_reciprical: bool, eval_model: str, df: object = None, info: str = None)[source]
  1. Add reciprocal triples (2) Add noisy triples

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.read_with_polars(data_path, read_only_few: int = None, sample_triples_ratio: float = None, separator: str = None) polars.DataFrame[source]

Load and Preprocess via Polars

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.read_with_pandas(data_path, read_only_few: int = None, sample_triples_ratio: float = None, separator: str = None)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.read_from_disk(data_path: str, read_only_few: int = None, sample_triples_ratio: float = None, backend: str = None, separator: str = None) Tuple[polars.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame][source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.read_from_triple_store(endpoint: str = None)[source]

Read triples from triple store into pandas dataframe

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.get_er_vocab(data, file_path: str = None)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.get_re_vocab(data, file_path: str = None)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.get_ee_vocab(data, file_path: str = None)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.create_constraints(triples, file_path: str = None)[source]
  1. Extract domains and ranges of relations

(2) Store a mapping from relations to entities that are outside of the domain and range. Crete constrainted entities based on the range of relations :param triples: :return: Tuple[dict, dict]

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.load_with_pandas(self) None[source]

Deserialize data

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.save_numpy_ndarray(*, data: numpy.ndarray, file_path: str)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.load_numpy_ndarray(*, file_path: str)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.save_pickle(*, data: object, file_path=str)[source]
dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.load_pickle(*, file_path=str)[source]

Add inverse triples into dask dataframe :param x: :return:

dicee.read_preprocess_save_load_kg.util.dataset_sanity_checking(train_set: numpy.ndarray, num_entities: int, num_relations: int) None[source]
  • train_set

  • num_entities

  • num_relations
