Knowledge Graph Embedding Class for interactive usage of pre-trained models |
Module Contents
- class dicee.knowledge_graph_embeddings.KGE(path=None, url=None, construct_ensemble=False, model_name=None)[source]
Knowledge Graph Embedding Class for interactive usage of pre-trained models
- get_transductive_entity_embeddings(indices: torch.LongTensor | List[str], as_pytorch=False, as_numpy=False, as_list=True) torch.FloatTensor | numpy.ndarray | List[float] [source]
- create_vector_database(collection_name: str, distance: str, location: str = 'localhost', port: int = 6333)[source]
- predict_missing_head_entity(relation: List[str] | str, tail_entity: List[str] | str, within=None) Tuple [source]
Given a relation and a tail entity, return top k ranked head entity.
argmax_{e in E } f(e,r,t), where r in R, t in E.
relation: Union[List[str], str]
String representation of selected relations.
tail_entity: Union[List[str], str]
String representation of selected entities.
k: int
Highest ranked k entities.
Returns: Tuple
Highest K scores and entities
- predict_missing_relations(head_entity: List[str] | str, tail_entity: List[str] | str, within=None) Tuple [source]
Given a head entity and a tail entity, return top k ranked relations.
argmax_{r in R } f(h,r,t), where h, t in E.
head_entity: List[str]
String representation of selected entities.
tail_entity: List[str]
String representation of selected entities.
k: int
Highest ranked k entities.
Returns: Tuple
Highest K scores and entities
- predict_missing_tail_entity(head_entity: List[str] | str, relation: List[str] | str, within: List[str] = None) torch.FloatTensor [source]
Given a head entity and a relation, return top k ranked entities
argmax_{e in E } f(h,r,e), where h in E and r in R.
head_entity: List[str]
String representation of selected entities.
tail_entity: List[str]
String representation of selected entities.
Returns: Tuple
- predict(*, h: List[str] | str = None, r: List[str] | str = None, t: List[str] | str = None, within=None, logits=True) torch.FloatTensor [source]
- Parameters:
- predict_topk(*, h: str | List[str] = None, r: str | List[str] = None, t: str | List[str] = None, topk: int = 10, within: List[str] = None)[source]
Predict missing item in a given triple.
head_entity: Union[str, List[str]]
String representation of selected entities.
relation: Union[str, List[str]]
String representation of selected relations.
tail_entity: Union[str, List[str]]
String representation of selected entities.
k: int
Highest ranked k item.
Returns: Tuple
Highest K scores and items
- triple_score(h: List[str] | str = None, r: List[str] | str = None, t: List[str] | str = None, logits=False) torch.FloatTensor [source]
Predict triple score
head_entity: List[str]
String representation of selected entities.
relation: List[str]
String representation of selected relations.
tail_entity: List[str]
String representation of selected entities.
logits: bool
If logits is True, unnormalized score returned
Returns: Tuple
pytorch tensor of triple score
- tensor_t_norm(subquery_scores: torch.FloatTensor, tnorm: str = 'min') torch.FloatTensor [source]
Compute T-norm over [0,1] ^{n imes d} where n denotes the number of hops and d denotes number of entities
- answer_multi_hop_query(query_type: str = None, query: Tuple[str | Tuple[str, str], Ellipsis] = None, queries: List[Tuple[str | Tuple[str, str], Ellipsis]] = None, tnorm: str = 'prod', neg_norm: str = 'standard', lambda_: float = 0.0, k: int = 10, only_scores=False) List[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]] [source]
# @TODO: Refactoring is needed # @TODO: Score computation for each query type should be done in a static function
Find an answer set for EPFO queries including negation and disjunction
query_type: str The type of the query, e.g., “2p”.
query: Union[str, Tuple[str, Tuple[str, str]]] The query itself, either a string or a nested tuple.
queries: List of Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], …]
tnorm: str The t-norm operator.
neg_norm: str The negation norm.
lambda_: float lambda parameter for sugeno and yager negation norms
k: int The top-k substitutions for intermediate variables.
- returns:
List[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]]
Entities and corresponding scores sorted in the descening order of scores
- find_missing_triples(confidence: float, entities: List[str] = None, relations: List[str] = None, topk: int = 10, at_most: int = sys.maxsize) Set [source]
Find missing triples
Iterative over a set of entities E and a set of relation R :
orall e in E and orall r in R f(e,r,x)
Return (e,r,x)
otin G and f(e,r,x) > confidence
confidence: float
A threshold for an output of a sigmoid function given a triple.
topk: int
Highest ranked k item to select triples with f(e,r,x) > confidence .
at_most: int
Stop after finding at_most missing triples
{(e,r,x) | f(e,r,x) > confidence land (e,r,x)
otin G
- train_triples(h: List[str], r: List[str], t: List[str], labels: List[float], iteration=2, optimizer=None)[source]