from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import polars
import glob
import time
import functools
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import os
import psutil
import requests
from typing import Tuple
def polars_dataframe_indexer(df_polars:polars.DataFrame, idx_entity:polars.DataFrame, idx_relation:polars.DataFrame)->polars.DataFrame:
Replaces 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns in the input Polars DataFrame with their corresponding index values
from the entity and relation index DataFrames.
This function processes the DataFrame in three main steps:
1. Replace the 'relation' values with the corresponding index from `idx_relation`.
2. Replace the 'subject' values with the corresponding index from `idx_entity`.
3. Replace the 'object' values with the corresponding index from `idx_entity`.
df_polars : polars.DataFrame
The input Polars DataFrame containing columns: 'subject', 'relation', and 'object'.
idx_entity : polars.DataFrame
A Polars DataFrame that contains the mapping between entity names and their corresponding indices.
Must have columns: 'entity' and 'index'.
idx_relation : polars.DataFrame
A Polars DataFrame that contains the mapping between relation names and their corresponding indices.
Must have columns: 'relation' and 'index'.
A DataFrame with the 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns replaced by their corresponding indices.
Example Usage:
>>> df_polars = pl.DataFrame({
"subject": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"],
"relation": ["knows", "works_with", "lives_in"],
"object": ["Dave", "Eve", "Frank"]
>>> idx_entity = pl.DataFrame({
"entity": ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave", "Eve", "Frank"],
"index": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> idx_relation = pl.DataFrame({
"relation": ["knows", "works_with", "lives_in"],
"index": [0, 1, 2]
>>> polars_dataframe_indexer(df_polars, idx_entity, idx_relation)
1. Join the input DataFrame `df_polars` on the 'relation' column with `idx_relation` to replace the relations with their indices.
2. Join on 'subject' to replace it with the corresponding entity index using a left join on `idx_entity`.
3. Join on 'object' to replace it with the corresponding entity index using a left join on `idx_entity`.
4. Select only the 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns to return the final result.
assert isinstance(df_polars, polars.DataFrame)
assert isinstance(idx_entity, polars.DataFrame)
assert isinstance(idx_relation, polars.DataFrame)
# Step : Join on 'relation' to replace relation with its index
df_merged = df_polars.join(idx_relation, on="relation", how="left")
df_merged =[polars.col("subject"), polars.col("index").alias("relation"), polars.col("object")])
# Step : Consider Left Table on subject and Right Table on entity with the left join
# Returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table
df_merged = df_merged.join(idx_entity, left_on="subject", right_on="entity", how="left")
df_merged = df_merged.drop("subject").rename({"index": "subject"})
# Step 3: Join on 'object' to replace object with its index
df_final = df_merged.join(idx_entity, left_on="object", right_on="entity", how="left")
df_final = df_final.drop("object").rename({"index": "object"})
# Step 4: Select the desired columns
df_final =[polars.col("subject"), polars.col("relation"), polars.col("object")])
return df_final
def pandas_dataframe_indexer(df_pandas: pd.DataFrame, idx_entity: pd.DataFrame, idx_relation: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Replaces 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns in the input Pandas DataFrame with their corresponding index values
from the entity and relation index DataFrames.
df_pandas : pd.DataFrame
The input Pandas DataFrame containing columns: 'subject', 'relation', and 'object'.
idx_entity : pd.DataFrame
A Pandas DataFrame that contains the mapping between entity names and their corresponding indices.
Must have columns: 'entity' and 'index'.
idx_relation : pd.DataFrame
A Pandas DataFrame that contains the mapping between relation names and their corresponding indices.
Must have columns: 'relation' and 'index'.
A DataFrame with the 'subject', 'relation', and 'object' columns replaced by their corresponding indices.
assert isinstance(df_pandas, pd.DataFrame)
assert isinstance(idx_entity, pd.DataFrame)
assert isinstance(idx_relation, pd.DataFrame)
# Create a dictionary that maps entities to their indices
entity_to_index = pd.Series(idx_entity.index, index=idx_entity['entity']).to_dict()
df_pandas['subject'] = df_pandas['subject'].map(entity_to_index)
df_pandas['object'] = df_pandas['object'].map(entity_to_index)
del entity_to_index
relation_to_index = pd.Series(idx_relation.index, index=idx_relation['relation']).to_dict()
df_pandas['relation'] = df_pandas['relation'].map(relation_to_index)
del relation_to_index
return df_pandas
def apply_reciprical_or_noise(add_reciprical: bool, eval_model: str, df: object = None, info: str = None):
""" (1) Add reciprocal triples (2) Add noisy triples """
# (1) Add reciprocal triples, e.g. KG:= {(s,p,o)} union {(o,p_inverse,s)}
if add_reciprical and eval_model:
if df is not None:
print(f'Adding reciprocal triples to {info}, e.g. KG:= (s, p, o) union (o, p_inverse, s)')
return create_recipriocal_triples(df)
return None
return df
def timeit(func):
def timeit_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
start_time = time.perf_counter()
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
end_time = time.perf_counter()
total_time = end_time - start_time
f'{func.__name__} took {total_time:.4f} seconds '
f'| Current Memory Usage {psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1000000: .5} in MB')
return result
return timeit_wrapper
def read_with_polars(data_path, read_only_few: int = None, sample_triples_ratio: float = None, separator:str=None) -> polars.DataFrame:
""" Load and Preprocess via Polars """
assert separator is not None, "separator cannot be None"
print(f'*** Reading {data_path} with Polars ***')
# (1) Load the data.
if ".zst" in data_path:
df= polars.read_csv(data_path,n_rows=None if read_only_few is None else read_only_few)
df = polars.read_csv(data_path,
n_rows=None if read_only_few is None else read_only_few,
columns=[0, 1, 2],
new_columns=['subject', 'relation', 'object'],
#except ValueError as err:
# raise ValueError(f"{err}\nYou may want to use a different separator.")
# (2) Sample from (1).
if sample_triples_ratio:
print(f'Subsampling {sample_triples_ratio} of input data {df.shape}...')
df = df.sample(frac=sample_triples_ratio)
# (3) Type heuristic prediction: If KG is an RDF KG, remove all triples where subject is not <?>.
h = df.head().to_pandas()
if sum(h["subject"].str.startswith('<')) + sum(h["relation"].str.startswith('<')) > 2:
print('Removing triples with literal values...')
df = df.filter(polars.col("object").str.starts_with('<'))
return df
def read_with_pandas(data_path, read_only_few: int = None, sample_triples_ratio: float = None,separator:str=None):
assert separator is not None, "separator cannot be None"
print(f'*** Reading {data_path} with Pandas ***')
if data_path[-3:] in [".nt","ttl", 'txt', 'csv', 'zst']:
print('Reading with pandas.read_csv with sep ** s+ ** ...')
df = pd.read_csv(data_path,
nrows=None if read_only_few is None else read_only_few,
usecols=[0, 1, 2],
names=['subject', 'relation', 'object'],
df = pd.read_parquet(data_path, engine='pyarrow')
# (2)a Read only few if it is asked.
if isinstance(read_only_few, int):
if read_only_few > 0:
print(f'Reading only few input data {read_only_few}...')
df = df.head(read_only_few)
print('Done !\n')
# (3) Read only sample
if sample_triples_ratio:
print(f'Subsampling {sample_triples_ratio} of input data...')
df = df.sample(frac=sample_triples_ratio)
print('Done !\n')
if sum(df.head()["subject"].str.startswith('<')) + sum(df.head()["relation"].str.startswith('<')) > 2:
# (4) Drop Rows/triples with double or boolean: Example preprocessing
# Drop of object does not start with **<**.
# Specifying na to be False instead of NaN.
print('Removing triples with literal values...')
df = df[df["object"].str.startswith('<', na=False)]
print('Done !\n')
return df
def read_from_disk(data_path: str, read_only_few: int = None,
sample_triples_ratio: float = None, backend:str=None,separator:str=None)\
assert backend is not None, "backend cannot be None"
assert separator is not None, f"separator cannot be None. Currently {separator}"
# If path exits
if glob.glob(data_path):
# (1) Detect data format
dformat = data_path[data_path.find(".") + 1:]
if dformat in ["ttl", "owl", "turtle", "rdf/xml"] and backend != "rdflib":
raise RuntimeError(
f"Data with **{dformat}** format cannot be read via --backend pandas or polars. Use --backend rdflib")
if backend == 'pandas':
return read_with_pandas(data_path, read_only_few, sample_triples_ratio, separator)
elif backend == 'polars':
return read_with_polars(data_path, read_only_few, sample_triples_ratio, separator)
elif backend == "rdflib":
# Lazy import
from rdflib import Graph
assert dformat in ["ttl", "owl", "nt", "turtle", "rdf/xml", "n3", " n-triples"],\
f"--backend {backend} and dataformat **{dformat}** is not matching. Use --backend pandas"
return pd.DataFrame(data=[(str(s), str(p), str(o)) for s, p, o in Graph().parse(data_path)],
columns=['subject', 'relation', 'object'], dtype=str)
raise RuntimeError(f'--backend {backend} and {data_path} is not matching')
print(f'{data_path} could not found!')
return None
def read_from_triple_store(endpoint: str = None):
""" Read triples from triple store into pandas dataframe """
assert endpoint is not None
assert isinstance(endpoint, str)
query = """SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object WHERE { ?subject ?predicate ?object}"""
response =, data={'query': query})
assert response.ok
# Generator
triples = ([triple['subject']['value'], triple['predicate']['value'], triple['object']['value']] for triple in
return pd.DataFrame(data=triples, index=None, columns=["subject", "relation", "object"], dtype=str)
def get_er_vocab(data, file_path: str = None):
# head entity and relation
er_vocab = defaultdict(list)
for triple in data:
h, r, t = triple
er_vocab[(h, r)].append(t)
if file_path:
save_pickle(data=er_vocab, file_path=file_path)
return er_vocab
def get_re_vocab(data, file_path: str = None):
# head entity and relation
re_vocab = defaultdict(list)
for triple in data:
re_vocab[(triple[1], triple[2])].append(triple[0])
if file_path:
save_pickle(data=re_vocab, file_path=file_path)
return re_vocab
def get_ee_vocab(data, file_path: str = None):
# head entity and relation
ee_vocab = defaultdict(list)
for triple in data:
ee_vocab[(triple[0], triple[2])].append(triple[1])
if file_path:
save_pickle(data=ee_vocab, file_path=file_path)
return ee_vocab
def create_constraints(triples, file_path: str = None):
(1) Extract domains and ranges of relations
(2) Store a mapping from relations to entities that are outside of the domain and range.
Crete constrainted entities based on the range of relations
:param triples:
Tuple[dict, dict]
assert isinstance(triples, np.ndarray)
assert triples.shape[1] == 3
# (1) Compute the range and domain of each relation
range_constraints_per_rel = dict()
domain_constraints_per_rel = dict()
set_of_entities = set()
set_of_relations = set()
for (e1, p, e2) in triples:
range_constraints_per_rel.setdefault(p, set()).add(e2)
domain_constraints_per_rel.setdefault(p, set()).add(e1)
for rel in set_of_relations:
range_constraints_per_rel[rel] = list(set_of_entities - range_constraints_per_rel[rel])
domain_constraints_per_rel[rel] = list(set_of_entities - domain_constraints_per_rel[rel])
if file_path:
save_pickle(data=(domain_constraints_per_rel, range_constraints_per_rel), file_path=file_path)
return domain_constraints_per_rel, range_constraints_per_rel
def load_with_pandas(self) -> None:
""" Deserialize data """
print(f'Deserialization Path: {}\n')
start_time = time.time()
print('[1 / 4] Deserializing compressed entity integer mapping...') = pd.read_parquet( + '/entity_to_idx.gzip')
print(f'Done !\t{time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds\n') = len(
print('[2 / ] Deserializing compressed relation integer mapping...')
start_time = time.time() = pd.read_parquet( + '/relation_to_idx.gzip')
print(f'Done !\t{time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds\n') = len(
'[3 / 4] Converting integer and relation mappings '
'from from pandas dataframe to dictionaries for an easy access...',
start_time = time.time() =['entity'] =['relation']
print(f'Done !\t{time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds\n')
# 10. Serialize (9).
print('[4 / 4] Deserializing integer mapped data and mapping it to numpy ndarray...')
start_time = time.time() = pd.read_parquet( + '/idx_train_df.gzip').values
print(f'Done !\t{time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds\n')
print('[5 / 4] Deserializing integer mapped data and mapping it to numpy ndarray...') = pd.read_parquet( + '/idx_valid_df.gzip').values
except FileNotFoundError:
print('No valid data found!\n') = None # pd.DataFrame()
print('[6 / 4] Deserializing integer mapped data and mapping it to numpy ndarray...') = pd.read_parquet( + '/idx_test_df.gzip').values
except FileNotFoundError:
print('No test data found\n') = None
if is not None and is not None:
# 16. Create a bijection mapping from subject-relation pairs to tail entities.
data = np.concatenate([,,])
data =
print('[7 / 4] Creating er,re, and ee type vocabulary for evaluation...')
start_time = time.time() = get_er_vocab(data) = get_re_vocab(data)
# 17. Create a bijection mapping from subject-object pairs to relations. = get_ee_vocab(data), = create_constraints(
print(f'Done !\t{time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds\n')
def save_numpy_ndarray(*, data: np.ndarray, file_path: str):
n, d = data.shape
assert n > 0
assert d == 3
with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:, data)
def load_numpy_ndarray(*, file_path: str):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
return np.load(f)
def save_pickle(*, data: object, file_path=str):
pickle.dump(data, open(file_path, "wb"))
def load_pickle(*, file_path=str):
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def create_recipriocal_triples(x):
Add inverse triples into dask dataframe
:param x:
return pd.concat([x, x['object'].to_frame(name='subject').join(
x['relation'].map(lambda x: x + '_inverse').to_frame(name='relation')).join(
x['subject'].to_frame(name='object'))], ignore_index=True)
def dataset_sanity_checking(train_set: np.ndarray, num_entities: int, num_relations: int) -> None:
:param train_set:
:param num_entities:
:param num_relations:
assert isinstance(train_set, np.ndarray)
n, d = train_set.shape
assert d == 3
assert n > 0
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError('Size of the training dataset must be greater than 0.')
assert num_entities >= max(train_set[:, 0]) and num_entities >= max(train_set[:, 2])
except AssertionError:
raise AssertionError(
f'Entity Indexing Error:\n'
f'Max ID of a subject or object entity in train set:'
f'{max(train_set[:, 0])} or {max(train_set[:, 2])} is greater than num_entities:{num_entities}')
assert num_relations >= max(train_set[:, 1])
except AssertionError:
f'Relation Indexing Error:\n'
f'Max ID of a relation in train set:{max(train_set[:, 1])} is greater than num_entities:{num_relations}')
# 13. Sanity checking: data types
assert isinstance(train_set[0], np.ndarray)