Source code for dicee.knowledge_graph_embeddings

from typing import List, Tuple, Set, Iterable, Dict, Union
import torch
from torch import optim
from import DataLoader
from .abstracts import BaseInteractiveKGE
from .dataset_classes import TriplePredictionDataset
from .static_funcs import random_prediction, deploy_triple_prediction, deploy_tail_entity_prediction, \
    deploy_relation_prediction, deploy_head_entity_prediction, load_pickle
from .static_funcs_training import evaluate_lp
import numpy as np
import sys
import traceback

[docs] class KGE(BaseInteractiveKGE): """ Knowledge Graph Embedding Class for interactive usage of pre-trained models""" def __init__(self, path=None, url=None, construct_ensemble=False, model_name=None): super().__init__(path=path, url=url, construct_ensemble=construct_ensemble, model_name=model_name)
[docs] def __str__(self): return "KGE | " + str(self.model)
[docs] def to(self, device: str) -> None: assert "cpu" in device or "cuda" in device, "Device must be either cpu or cuda"
[docs] def get_transductive_entity_embeddings(self, indices: Union[torch.LongTensor, List[str]], as_pytorch=False, as_numpy=False, as_list=True) -> Union[torch.FloatTensor, np.ndarray, List[float]]: if isinstance(indices, torch.LongTensor): """ Do nothing""" else: assert isinstance(indices, list), f"indices must be either torch.LongTensor or list of strings{indices}" indices = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in indices]) if as_pytorch: return self.model.entity_embeddings(indices) elif as_numpy: return self.model.entity_embeddings(indices).numpy elif as_list: return self.model.entity_embeddings(indices).tolist() else: raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong with the types")
[docs] def create_vector_database(self, collection_name: str, distance: str, location: str = "localhost", port: int = 6333): assert distance in ["cosine", "dot"] # lazy imports try: from qdrant_client import QdrantClient except ModuleNotFoundError: traceback.print_exc() print("Please install qdrant_client: pip install qdrant_client") exit(1) from qdrant_client.http.models import Distance, VectorParams from qdrant_client.http.models import PointStruct # from qdrant_client.http.models import Filter, FieldCondition, MatchValue client = QdrantClient(location=location, port=port) # If the collection is not created, create it if collection_name in [ for i in client.get_collections().collections]: print("Deleting existing collection ", collection_name) client.delete_collection(collection_name=collection_name) print(f"Creating a collection {collection_name} with distance metric:Cosine") client.create_collection(collection_name=collection_name, vectors_config=VectorParams(size=self.model.embedding_dim, distance=Distance.COSINE)) entities = list(self.idx_to_entity.values()) print("Fetching entity embeddings..") vectors = self.get_transductive_entity_embeddings(indices=entities, as_list=True) print("Indexing....") points = [] for str_ent, vec in zip(entities, vectors): points.append(PointStruct(id=self.entity_to_idx[str_ent], vector=vec, payload={"name": str_ent})) operation_info = client.upsert(collection_name=collection_name, wait=True, points=points) print(operation_info)
[docs] def generate(self, h="", r=""): assert self.configs["byte_pair_encoding"] h_encode = self.enc.encode(h) r_encode = self.enc.encode(r) length = self.configs["max_length_subword_tokens"] if len(h_encode) != length: h_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(h_encode))]) if len(r_encode) != length: r_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(r_encode))]) h_encode = torch.LongTensor(h_encode).reshape(1, length) r_encode = torch.LongTensor(r_encode).reshape(1, length) # Initialize batch as all dummy ID X = torch.ones(self.enc.n_vocab, length) * self.dummy_id X = X.long() h_encode = h_encode.repeat_interleave(self.enc.n_vocab, dim=0) r_encode = r_encode.repeat_interleave(self.enc.n_vocab, dim=0) counter = 0 pointer = 0 tokens = [self.dummy_id for _ in range(length)] while counter != self.max_length_subword_tokens: X[:, pointer] = torch.arange(0, self.enc.n_vocab, dtype=int) x = torch.stack((h_encode, r_encode, X), dim=1) score, id_next_token = torch.max(self.model(x), dim=0) id_next_token = int(id_next_token) tokens[pointer] = id_next_token X[:, pointer] = id_next_token pointer += 1 counter += 1 print(self.enc.decode(tokens), end=f"\t {score}\n")
# given a string, return is bpe encoded embeddings
[docs] def eval_lp_performance(self, dataset=List[Tuple[str, str, str]], filtered=True): assert isinstance(dataset, list) and len(dataset) > 0 idx_dataset = np.array( [(self.entity_to_idx[s], self.relation_to_idx[p], self.entity_to_idx[o]) for s, p, o in dataset]) if filtered: return evaluate_lp(model=self.model, triple_idx=idx_dataset, num_entities=len(self.entity_to_idx), er_vocab=load_pickle(self.path + '/er_vocab.p'), re_vocab=load_pickle(self.path + '/re_vocab.p')) else: return evaluate_lp(model=self.model, triple_idx=idx_dataset, num_entities=len(self.entity_to_idx), er_vocab=None, re_vocab=None)
[docs] def predict_missing_head_entity(self, relation: Union[List[str], str], tail_entity: Union[List[str], str], within=None) -> Tuple: """ Given a relation and a tail entity, return top k ranked head entity. argmax_{e \in E } f(e,r,t), where r \in R, t \in E. Parameter --------- relation: Union[List[str], str] String representation of selected relations. tail_entity: Union[List[str], str] String representation of selected entities. k: int Highest ranked k entities. Returns: Tuple --------- Highest K scores and entities """ head_entity = torch.arange(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)) if isinstance(relation, list): relation = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[i] for i in relation]) else: relation = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[relation]]) if isinstance(tail_entity, list): tail_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in tail_entity]) else: tail_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[tail_entity]]) x = torch.stack((head_entity, relation.repeat(self.num_entities, ), tail_entity.repeat(self.num_entities, )), dim=1) x = return self.model(x)
[docs] def predict_missing_relations(self, head_entity: Union[List[str], str], tail_entity: Union[List[str], str], within=None) -> Tuple: """ Given a head entity and a tail entity, return top k ranked relations. argmax_{r \in R } f(h,r,t), where h, t \in E. Parameter --------- head_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. tail_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. k: int Highest ranked k entities. Returns: Tuple --------- Highest K scores and entities """ relation = torch.arange(0, len(self.relation_to_idx)) if isinstance(head_entity, list): head_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in head_entity]) else: head_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[head_entity]]) if isinstance(tail_entity, list): tail_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in tail_entity]) else: tail_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[tail_entity]]) x = torch.stack((head_entity.repeat(self.num_relations, ), relation, tail_entity.repeat(self.num_relations, )), dim=1) return self.model(x)
[docs] def predict_missing_tail_entity(self, head_entity: Union[List[str], str], relation: Union[List[str], str], within: List[str] = None) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Given a head entity and a relation, return top k ranked entities argmax_{e \in E } f(h,r,e), where h \in E and r \in R. Parameter --------- head_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. tail_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. Returns: Tuple --------- scores """ if within is not None: h_encode = self.enc.encode(head_entity[0]) r_encode = self.enc.encode(relation[0]) t_encode = self.enc.encode_batch(within) length = self.configs["max_length_subword_tokens"] num_entities = len(within) if len(h_encode) != length: h_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(h_encode))]) if len(r_encode) != length: r_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(r_encode))]) if len(t_encode) != length: for i in range(len(t_encode)): t_encode[i].extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(t_encode[i]))]) h_encode = torch.LongTensor(h_encode).unsqueeze(0) r_encode = torch.LongTensor(r_encode).unsqueeze(0) t_encode = torch.LongTensor(t_encode) x = torch.stack((torch.repeat_interleave(input=h_encode, repeats=num_entities, dim=0), torch.repeat_interleave(input=r_encode, repeats=num_entities, dim=0), t_encode), dim=1) else: tail_entity = torch.arange(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)) if isinstance(head_entity, list): head_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in head_entity]) else: head_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[head_entity]]) if isinstance(relation, list): relation = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[i] for i in relation]) else: relation = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[relation]]) x = torch.stack((head_entity.repeat(self.num_entities, ), relation.repeat(self.num_entities, ), tail_entity), dim=1) x = return self.model(x)
[docs] def predict(self, *, h: Union[List[str], str] = None, r: Union[List[str], str] = None, t: Union[List[str], str] = None, within=None, logits=True) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Parameters ---------- logits h r t within Returns ------- """ # (1) Sanity checking. if h is not None: assert isinstance(h, list) or isinstance(h, str) assert isinstance(h[0], str) if r is not None: assert isinstance(r, list) or isinstance(r, str) assert isinstance(r[0], str) if t is not None: assert isinstance(t, list) or isinstance(t, str) assert isinstance(t[0], str) # (2) Predict missing head entity given a relation and a tail entity. if h is None: assert r is not None assert t is not None # ? r, t scores = self.predict_missing_head_entity(r, t, within) # (3) Predict missing relation given a head entity and a tail entity. elif r is None: assert h is not None assert t is not None # h ? t scores = self.predict_missing_relations(h, t, within) # (4) Predict missing tail entity given a head entity and a relation elif t is None: assert h is not None assert r is not None # h r ? scores = self.predict_missing_tail_entity(h, r, within) else: scores = self.triple_score(h, r, t, logits=True) if logits: return scores else: return torch.sigmoid(scores)
[docs] def predict_topk(self, *, h: Union[str, List[str]] = None, r: Union[str, List[str]] = None, t: Union[str, List[str]] = None, topk: int = 10, within: List[str] = None): """ Predict missing item in a given triple. Parameter --------- head_entity: Union[str, List[str]] String representation of selected entities. relation: Union[str, List[str]] String representation of selected relations. tail_entity: Union[str, List[str]] String representation of selected entities. k: int Highest ranked k item. Returns: Tuple --------- Highest K scores and items """ # (1) Sanity checking. if h is not None: assert isinstance(h, list) or isinstance(h,str) if r is not None: assert isinstance(r, list) or isinstance(r,str) if t is not None: assert isinstance(t, list) or isinstance(t,str) # (2) Predict missing head entity given a relation and a tail entity. if h is None: assert r is not None assert t is not None # ? r, t scores = self.predict_missing_head_entity(r, t, within=within).flatten() sort_scores, sort_idxs = torch.topk(scores, topk) return [(self.idx_to_entity[idx_top_entity], scores.item()) for idx_top_entity, scores in zip(sort_idxs.tolist(), torch.sigmoid(sort_scores))] # (3) Predict missing relation given a head entity and a tail entity. elif r is None: assert h is not None assert t is not None # h ? t scores = self.predict_missing_relations(h, t, within=within).flatten() sort_scores, sort_idxs = torch.topk(scores, topk) return [(self.idx_to_relations[idx_top_entity], scores.item()) for idx_top_entity, scores in zip(sort_idxs.tolist(), torch.sigmoid(sort_scores))] # (4) Predict missing tail entity given a head entity and a relation elif t is None: assert h is not None assert r is not None # h r ?t scores = self.predict_missing_tail_entity(h, r, within=within).flatten() sort_scores, sort_idxs = torch.topk(scores, topk) return [(self.idx_to_entity[idx_top_entity], scores.item()) for idx_top_entity, scores in zip(sort_idxs.tolist(), torch.sigmoid(sort_scores))] else: raise AttributeError('Use triple_score method')
[docs] def triple_score(self, h: Union[List[str], str] = None, r: Union[List[str], str] = None, t: Union[List[str], str] = None, logits=False) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Predict triple score Parameter --------- head_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. relation: List[str] String representation of selected relations. tail_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. logits: bool If logits is True, unnormalized score returned Returns: Tuple --------- pytorch tensor of triple score """ if self.configs.get("byte_pair_encoding", None): h_encode = self.enc.encode(h) r_encode = self.enc.encode(r) t_encode = self.enc.encode(t) length = self.configs["max_length_subword_tokens"] if len(h_encode) != length: h_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(h_encode))]) if len(r_encode) != length: r_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(r_encode))]) if len(t_encode) != length: t_encode.extend([self.dummy_id for _ in range(length - len(t_encode))]) h_encode = torch.LongTensor(h_encode).reshape(1, length) r_encode = torch.LongTensor(r_encode).reshape(1, length) t_encode = torch.LongTensor(t_encode).reshape(1, length) x =, r_encode, t_encode), dim=0) x = torch.unsqueeze(x, dim=0) else: if isinstance(h, list) and isinstance(r, list) and isinstance(t, list): h = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in h]).reshape(len(h), 1) r = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[i] for i in r]).reshape(len(r), 1) t = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in t]).reshape(len(t), 1) else: h = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[h]]).reshape(1, 1) r = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[r]]).reshape(1, 1) t = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[t]]).reshape(1, 1) x = torch.hstack((h, r, t)) if self.apply_semantic_constraint: raise NotImplementedError() else: with torch.no_grad(): x = if logits: return self.model(x) else: return torch.sigmoid(self.model(x))
[docs] def t_norm(self, tens_1: torch.Tensor, tens_2: torch.Tensor, tnorm: str = 'min') -> torch.Tensor: if 'min' in tnorm: return torch.min(tens_1, tens_2) elif 'prod' in tnorm: return tens_1 * tens_2
[docs] def tensor_t_norm(self, subquery_scores: torch.FloatTensor, tnorm: str = "min") -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Compute T-norm over [0,1] ^{n \times d} where n denotes the number of hops and d denotes number of entities """ if "min" == tnorm: return torch.min(subquery_scores, dim=0) elif "prod" == tnorm: print(subquery_scores.shape) print(subquery_scores[:, :10]) # Take the last row of the cumulative product over subquery scores print(torch.cumprod(subquery_scores, dim=0)[-1, :10]) exit(1) return torch.cumprod(subquery_scores, dim=0)[-1, :] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{tnorm} is not implemented")
[docs] def t_conorm(self, tens_1: torch.Tensor, tens_2: torch.Tensor, tconorm: str = 'min') -> torch.Tensor: if 'min' in tconorm: return torch.max(tens_1, tens_2) elif 'prod' in tconorm: return (tens_1 + tens_2) - (tens_1 * tens_2)
[docs] def negnorm(self, tens_1: torch.Tensor, lambda_: float, neg_norm: str = 'standard') -> torch.Tensor: if 'standard' in neg_norm: return 1 - tens_1 elif 'sugeno' in neg_norm: return (1 - tens_1) / (1 + lambda_ * tens_1) elif 'yager' in neg_norm: return (1 - torch.pow(tens_1, lambda_)) ** (1 / lambda_)
[docs] def return_multi_hop_query_results(self, aggregated_query_for_all_entities, k: int, only_scores): # @TODO: refactor by torchargmax(aggregated_query_for_all_entities) if only_scores: return aggregated_query_for_all_entities # from idx obtain entity str return sorted([(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), aggregated_query_for_all_entities)], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:k]
[docs] def single_hop_query_answering(self, query: tuple, only_scores: bool = True, k: int = None): h, r = query result = self.predict(h=h, r=r[0]).squeeze() if only_scores: """ do nothing""" else: query_score_of_all_entities = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), result)] result = sorted(query_score_of_all_entities, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:k] return result
[docs] def answer_multi_hop_query(self, query_type: str = None, query: Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], ...] = None, queries: List[Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], ...]] = None, tnorm: str = "prod", neg_norm: str = "standard", lambda_: float = 0.0, k: int = 10, only_scores=False) -> \ List[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]]: """ # @TODO: Refactoring is needed # @TODO: Score computation for each query type should be done in a static function Find an answer set for EPFO queries including negation and disjunction Parameter ---------- query_type: str The type of the query, e.g., "2p". query: Union[str, Tuple[str, Tuple[str, str]]] The query itself, either a string or a nested tuple. queries: List of Tuple[Union[str, Tuple[str, str]], ...] tnorm: str The t-norm operator. neg_norm: str The negation norm. lambda_: float lambda parameter for sugeno and yager negation norms k: int The top-k substitutions for intermediate variables. Returns ------- List[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]] Entities and corresponding scores sorted in the descening order of scores """ if queries is not None: results = [] for i in queries: assert query is None results.append( self.answer_multi_hop_query(query_type=query_type, query=i, tnorm=tnorm, neg_norm=neg_norm, lambda_=lambda_, k=k, only_scores=only_scores)) return results assert len(self.entity_to_idx) >= k >= 0 query_name_dict = { ("e", ("r",)): "1p", ("e", ("r", "r")): "2p", ("e", ("r", "r", "r",),): "3p", (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))): "2i", (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))): "3i", ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))), ("r",)): "ip", (("e", ("r", "r")), ("e", ("r",))): "pi", # negation (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))): "2in", (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))): "3in", ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))), ("r",)): "inp", (("e", ("r", "r")), ("e", ("r", "n"))): "pin", (("e", ("r", "r", "n")), ("e", ("r",))): "pni", # union (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("u",)): "2u", ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("u",)), ("r",)): "up", } # Create an inverse mapping inverse_query_name_dict = {v: k for k, v in query_name_dict.items()} # Look up the corresponding query_structure if query_type in inverse_query_name_dict: query_structure = inverse_query_name_dict[query_type] else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid query type: {query_type}") # 1p if query_structure == ("e", ("r",)): return self.single_hop_query_answering(query, only_scores, k) # 2p elif query_structure == ("e", ("r", "r",)): # ?M : \exist A. r1(e,A) \land r2(A,M) e, (r1, r2) = query top_k_scores1 = [] atom2_scores = [] # (1) Iterate over top k substitutes of A in the first hop query: r1(e,A) s.t. A<-a for top_k_entity, score_of_e_r1_a in self.answer_multi_hop_query(query_type="1p", query=(e, (r1,)), only_scores=False, tnorm=tnorm, k=k): # (1.1) Store scores of (e, r1, a) s.t. a is a substitute of A and a is a top ranked entity. top_k_scores1.append(score_of_e_r1_a) # (1.2) Compute scores for (a, r2, M): Replace predict with answer_multi_hop_query. atom2_scores.append(self.predict(h=top_k_entity, r=r2)) # (2) k by E tensor atom2_scores = torch.vstack(atom2_scores) kk, E = atom2_scores.shape # Sanity checking assert k == kk # Top k scores for all replacement of A. torch.Size([k,1]) top_k_scores1 = torch.FloatTensor(top_k_scores1).reshape(k, 1) # k x E top_k_scores1 = top_k_scores1.repeat(1, E) # E scores aggregated_query_for_all_entities, _ = torch.max(self.t_norm(top_k_scores1, atom2_scores, tnorm), dim=0) return self.return_multi_hop_query_results(aggregated_query_for_all_entities, k, only_scores) # 3p elif query_structure == ("e", ("r", "r", "r",)): head1, (relation1, relation2, relation3) = query top_k_scores1 = [] atom_scores = [] # (1) Iterate over top k substitutes of A in the first hop query: r1(e,A) s.t. A<-a for top_k_entity, score_of_e_r1_a in self.answer_multi_hop_query(query_type="2p", query=(head1, (relation1, relation2)), tnorm=tnorm, k=k): top_k_scores1.append(score_of_e_r1_a) # () Scores for all entities E atom_scores.append(self.predict(h=[top_k_entity], r=[relation3])) # (2) k by E tensor atom_scores = torch.vstack(atom_scores) kk, E = atom_scores.shape # Sanity checking assert k == kk # Top k scores for all replacement of A. torch.Size([k,1]) top_k_scores1 = torch.FloatTensor(top_k_scores1).reshape(k, 1) # k x E top_k_scores1 = top_k_scores1.repeat(1, E) # E scores aggregated_query_for_all_entities, _ = torch.max(self.t_norm(top_k_scores1, atom_scores, tnorm), dim=0) return self.return_multi_hop_query_results(aggregated_query_for_all_entities, k, only_scores) # 2in elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))): # entity_scores = scores_2in(query, tnorm, neg_norm, lambda_) head1, relation1 = query[0] head2, relation2 = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom (positive) atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom (negative) # if neg_norm == "standard": predictions = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() atom2_scores = self.negnorm(predictions, lambda_, neg_norm) assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) combined_scores = self.t_norm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # 3in elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))): # entity_scores = scores_3in(model, query, tnorm, neg_norm, lambda_) head1, relation1 = query[0] head2, relation2 = query[1] head3, relation3 = query[2] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom (positive) atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom (negative) # modelling standard negation (1-x) atom2_scores = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the third atom # if neg_norm == "standard": predictions = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation3[0]]).squeeze() atom3_scores = self.negnorm(predictions, lambda_, neg_norm) assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) inter_scores = self.t_norm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) combined_scores = self.t_norm(inter_scores, atom3_scores, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # pni elif query_structure == (("e", ("r", "r", "n")), ("e", ("r",))): # entity_scores = scores_pni(model, query, tnorm, neg_norm, lambda_, k_) head1, (relation1, relation2, _) = query[0] head3, relation3 = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) # sort atom1_scores in descending order and get the top k entities indices top_k_scores1, top_k_indices = torch.topk(atom1_scores, k) # using model.entity_to_idx.keys() take the name of entities from topk heads 2 entity_to_idx_keys = list(self.entity_to_idx.keys()) top_k_heads = [entity_to_idx_keys[idx.item()] for idx in top_k_indices] # Get scores for the second atom # Initialize an empty tensor atom2_scores = torch.empty(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)).to(atom1_scores.device) # Get scores for the second atom for head2 in top_k_heads: # The score tensor for the current head2 atom2_score = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2]) neg_atom2_score = self.negnorm(atom2_score, lambda_, neg_norm) # Concatenate the score tensor for the current head2 with the previous scores atom2_scores =[atom2_scores, neg_atom2_score], dim=0) topk_scores1_expanded = top_k_scores1.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, atom2_scores.shape[1]) inter_scores = self.t_norm(topk_scores1_expanded, atom2_scores, tnorm) scores_2pn_query, _ = torch.max(inter_scores, dim=0) scores_1p_query = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation3[0]]).squeeze() combined_scores = self.t_norm(scores_2pn_query, scores_1p_query, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # pin elif query_structure == (("e", ("r", "r")), ("e", ("r", "n"))): # entity_scores = scores_pin(model, query, tnorm, neg_norm, lambda_, k_) head1, (relation1, relation2) = query[0] head3, relation3 = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) # sort atom1_scores in descending order and get the top k entities indices top_k_scores1, top_k_indices = torch.topk(atom1_scores, k) # using model.entity_to_idx.keys() take the name of entities from topk heads 2 entity_to_idx_keys = list(self.entity_to_idx.keys()) top_k_heads = [entity_to_idx_keys[idx.item()] for idx in top_k_indices] # Initialize an empty tensor atom2_scores = torch.empty(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)).to(atom1_scores.device) # Get scores for the second atom for head2 in top_k_heads: # The score tensor for the current head2 atom2_score = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2]) # Concatenate the score tensor for the current head2 with the previous scores atom2_scores =[atom2_scores, atom2_score], dim=0) topk_scores1_expanded = top_k_scores1.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, atom2_scores.shape[1]) inter_scores = self.t_norm(topk_scores1_expanded, atom2_scores, tnorm) scores_2p_query, _ = torch.max(inter_scores, dim=0) scores_1p_query = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation3[0]]).squeeze() # taking negation for the e,(r,n) part of query neg_scores_1p_query = self.negnorm(scores_1p_query, lambda_, neg_norm) combined_scores = self.t_norm(scores_2p_query, neg_scores_1p_query, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # inp elif query_structure == ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))), ("r",)): # entity_scores = scores_inp(model, query, tnorm, neg_norm, lambda_, k_) head1, relation1 = query[0][0] head2, relation2 = query[0][1] relation_1p = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom (positive) atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom (negative) # if neg_norm == "standard": predictions = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() atom2_scores = self.negnorm(predictions, lambda_, neg_norm) assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) scores_2in_query = self.t_norm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) # sort atom1_scores in descending order and get the top k entities indices top_k_scores1, top_k_indices = torch.topk(scores_2in_query, k) # using model.entity_to_idx.keys() take the name of entities from topk heads 2 entity_to_idx_keys = list(self.entity_to_idx.keys()) top_k_heads = [entity_to_idx_keys[idx.item()] for idx in top_k_indices] # Get scores for the second atom # Initialize an empty tensor atom3_scores = torch.empty(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)).to(scores_2in_query.device) # Get scores for the second atom for head3 in top_k_heads: # The score tensor for the current head2 atom3_score = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation_1p[0]]) # Concatenate the score tensor for the current head2 with the previous scores atom3_scores =[atom3_scores, atom3_score], dim=0) topk_scores1_expanded = top_k_scores1.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, atom3_scores.shape[1]) combined_scores = self.t_norm(topk_scores1_expanded, atom3_scores, tnorm) res, _ = torch.max(combined_scores, dim=0) if only_scores: return res entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), res)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # 2i elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))): # entity_scores = scores_2i(model, query, tnorm) head1, relation1 = query[0] head2, relation2 = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom atom2_scores = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) combined_scores = self.t_norm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # 3i elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))): # entity_scores = scores_3i(model, query, tnorm) head1, relation1 = query[0] head2, relation2 = query[1] head3, relation3 = query[2] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom atom2_scores = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the third atom atom3_scores = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation3[0]]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) inter_scores = self.t_norm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) combined_scores = self.t_norm(inter_scores, atom3_scores, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # pi elif query_structure == (("e", ("r", "r")), ("e", ("r",))): # entity_scores = scores_pi(model, query, tnorm, k_) head1, (relation1, relation2) = query[0] head3, relation3 = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) # sort atom1_scores in descending order and get the top k entities indices top_k_scores1, top_k_indices = torch.topk(atom1_scores, k) # using model.entity_to_idx.keys() take the name of entities from topk heads 2 entity_to_idx_keys = list(self.entity_to_idx.keys()) top_k_heads = [entity_to_idx_keys[idx.item()] for idx in top_k_indices] # Initialize an empty tensor atom2_scores = torch.empty(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)).to(atom1_scores.device) # Get scores for the second atom for head2 in top_k_heads: # The score tensor for the current head2 atom2_score = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2]).unsqueeze(0) # Concatenate the score tensor for the current head2 with the previous scores atom2_scores =[atom2_scores, atom2_score], dim=0) topk_scores1_expanded = top_k_scores1.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, atom2_scores.shape[1]) inter_scores = self.t_norm(topk_scores1_expanded, atom2_scores, tnorm) scores_2p_query, _ = torch.max(inter_scores, dim=0) scores_1p_query = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation3[0]]).squeeze() combined_scores = self.t_norm(scores_2p_query, scores_1p_query, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # ip elif query_structure == ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))), ("r",)): # entity_scores = scores_ip(model, query, tnorm, k_) head1, relation1 = query[0][0] head2, relation2 = query[0][1] relation_1p = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom atom2_scores = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) scores_2i_query = self.t_norm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) # Get the top k entities from the 2i query # sort atom1_scores in descending order and get the top k entities indices top_k_scores1, top_k_indices = torch.topk(scores_2i_query, k) # using model.entity_to_idx.keys() take the name of entities from topk heads entity_to_idx_keys = list(self.entity_to_idx.keys()) top_k_heads = [entity_to_idx_keys[idx.item()] for idx in top_k_indices] # Get scores for the second atom # Initialize an empty tensor atom3_scores = torch.empty(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)).to(scores_2i_query.device) # Get scores for the second atom for head3 in top_k_heads: # The score tensor for the current head2 atom3_score = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation_1p[0]]).unsqueeze(0) # Concatenate the score tensor for the current head2 with the previous scores atom3_scores =[atom3_scores, atom3_score], dim=0) topk_scores1_expanded = top_k_scores1.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, atom3_scores.shape[1]) combined_scores = self.t_norm(topk_scores1_expanded, atom3_scores, tnorm) res, _ = torch.max(combined_scores, dim=0) if only_scores: return res entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), res)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # disjunction # 2u elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("u",)): # entity_scores = scores_2u(model, query, tnorm) head1, relation1 = query[0] head2, relation2 = query[1] # Calculate entity scores for each query # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom atom2_scores = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) combined_scores = self.t_conorm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) if only_scores: return combined_scores entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), combined_scores)] entity_scores = sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return entity_scores # up # here the second tnorm is for t-conorm (used in pairs) elif query_structure == ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("u",)), ("r",)): # entity_scores = scores_up(model, query, tnorm, tnorm, k_) head1, relation1 = query[0][0] head2, relation2 = query[0][1] relation_1p = query[1] # Get scores for the first atom atom1_scores = self.predict(h=[head1], r=[relation1[0]]).squeeze() # Get scores for the second atom atom2_scores = self.predict(h=[head2], r=[relation2[0]]).squeeze() assert len(atom1_scores) == len(self.entity_to_idx) scores_2u_query = self.t_conorm(atom1_scores, atom2_scores, tnorm) # Sort atom1_scores in descending order and get the top k entities indices top_k_scores1, top_k_indices = torch.topk(scores_2u_query, k) # Using model.entity_to_idx.keys() take the name of entities from topk heads entity_to_idx_keys = list(self.entity_to_idx.keys()) top_k_heads = [entity_to_idx_keys[idx.item()] for idx in top_k_indices] # Initialize an empty tensor atom3_scores = torch.empty(0, len(self.entity_to_idx)).to(scores_2u_query.device) for head3 in top_k_heads: # The score tensor for the current head3 atom3_score = self.predict(h=[head3], r=[relation_1p[0]]).unsqueeze(0) # Concatenate the score tensor for the current head3 with the previous scores atom3_scores =[atom3_scores, atom3_score], dim=0) topk_scores1_expanded = top_k_scores1.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, atom3_scores.shape[1]) combined_scores = self.t_norm(topk_scores1_expanded, atom3_scores, tnorm) res, _ = torch.max(combined_scores, dim=0) if only_scores: return res entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(self.entity_to_idx.keys(), res)] return sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Incorrect query_structure {query_structure}")
[docs] def find_missing_triples(self, confidence: float, entities: List[str] = None, relations: List[str] = None, topk: int = 10, at_most: int = sys.maxsize) -> Set: """ Find missing triples Iterative over a set of entities E and a set of relation R : \forall e \in E and \forall r \in R f(e,r,x) Return (e,r,x)\not\in G and f(e,r,x) > confidence Parameter --------- confidence: float A threshold for an output of a sigmoid function given a triple. topk: int Highest ranked k item to select triples with f(e,r,x) > confidence . at_most: int Stop after finding at_most missing triples Returns: Set --------- {(e,r,x) | f(e,r,x) > confidence \land (e,r,x) \not\in G """ assert 1.0 >= confidence >= 0.0 assert topk >= 1 def select(items: List[str], item_mapping: Dict[str, int]) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, int]]: """ Get selected entities and their indexes Parameter --------- items: list item_mapping: dict Returns: Iterable --------- """ if items is None: return item_mapping.items() else: return ((i, item_mapping[i]) for i in items) extended_triples = set() print(f'Number of entities:{len(self.entity_to_idx)} \t Number of relations:{len(self.relation_to_idx)}') # (5) Cartesian Product over entities and relations # (5.1) Iterate over entities print('Finding missing triples..') for str_head_entity, idx_entity in select(entities, self.entity_to_idx): # (5.1) Iterate over relations for str_relation, idx_relation in select(relations, self.relation_to_idx): # (5.2) \forall e \in Entities store a tuple of scoring_func(head,relation,e) and e # (5.3.) Sort (5.2) and return top tuples predictions = self.predict_topk(h=[str_head_entity], r=[str_relation], topk=topk) # (5.4) Iterate over 5.3 for str_entity, predicted_score in predictions: # (5.5) If score is less than 99% ignore it if predicted_score < confidence: break else: # (5.8) Remember it extended_triples.add((str_head_entity, str_relation, str_entity)) print(f'Number of found missing triples: {len(extended_triples)}') if len(extended_triples) == at_most: return extended_triples # No need to store a large KG into memory # /5.6) False if 0, otherwise 1 is_in = np.any( np.all(self.train_set == [idx_entity, idx_relation, self.entity_to_idx[str_entity]], axis=1)) # (5.7) If (5.6) is true, ignore it if is_in: continue else: # (5.8) Remember it extended_triples.add((str_head_entity, str_relation, str_entity)) print(f'Number of found missing triples: {len(extended_triples)}') if len(extended_triples) == at_most: return extended_triples return extended_triples
[docs] def deploy(self, share: bool = False, top_k: int = 10): # Lazy import import gradio as gr def predict(str_subject: str, str_predicate: str, str_object: str, random_examples: bool): if random_examples: return random_prediction(self) else: if self.is_seen(entity=str_subject) and self.is_seen( relation=str_predicate) and self.is_seen(entity=str_object): """ Triple Prediction """ return deploy_triple_prediction(self, str_subject, str_predicate, str_object) elif self.is_seen(entity=str_subject) and self.is_seen( relation=str_predicate): """ Tail Entity Prediction """ return deploy_tail_entity_prediction(self, str_subject, str_predicate, top_k) elif self.is_seen(entity=str_object) and self.is_seen( relation=str_predicate): """ Head Entity Prediction """ return deploy_head_entity_prediction(self, str_object, str_predicate, top_k) elif self.is_seen(entity=str_subject) and self.is_seen(entity=str_object): """ Relation Prediction """ return deploy_relation_prediction(self, str_subject, str_object, top_k) else: KeyError('Uncovered scenario') # If user simply select submit return random_prediction(self) gr.Interface( fn=predict, inputs=[gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label='Subject'), gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label='Predicate'), gr.Textbox(lines=1, placeholder=None, label='Object'), "checkbox"], outputs=[gr.Textbox(label='Input Triple'), gr.Dataframe(label='Outputs', type='pandas')], title=f'{} Deployment', description='1. Enter a triple to compute its score,\n' '2. Enter a subject and predicate pair to obtain most likely top ten entities or\n' '3. Checked the random examples box and click submit').launch(share=share)
# @TODO: Do we really need this ?!
[docs] def train_triples(self, h: List[str], r: List[str], t: List[str], labels: List[float], iteration=2, optimizer=None): assert len(h) == len(r) == len(t) == len(labels) # (1) From List of strings to TorchLongTensor. x = torch.LongTensor(self.index_triple(h, r, t)).reshape(1, 3) # (2) From List of float to Torch Tensor. labels = torch.FloatTensor(labels) # (3) Train mode. self.set_model_train_mode() if optimizer is None: optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.1) print('Iteration starts...') # (4) Train. for epoch in range(iteration): optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = self.model(x) loss = self.model.loss(outputs, labels) print(f"Iteration:{epoch}\t Loss:{loss.item()}\t Outputs:{outputs.detach().mean()}") loss.backward() optimizer.step() # (5) Eval self.set_model_eval_mode() with torch.no_grad(): x = outputs = self.model(x) loss = self.model.loss(outputs, labels) print(f"Eval Mode:\tLoss:{loss.item()}")
[docs] def train_k_vs_all(self, h, r, iteration=1, lr=.001): """ Train k vs all :param head_entity: :param relation: :param iteration: :param lr: :return: """ assert len(h) == 1 # (1) Construct input and output out = self.construct_input_and_output_k_vs_all(h, r) if out is None: return x, labels, idx_tails = out # (2) Train mode self.set_model_train_mode() # (3) Initialize optimizer # SGD considerably faster than ADAM. optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=.00001) print('\nIteration starts.') # (3) Iterative training. for epoch in range(iteration): optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = self.model(x) loss = self.model.loss(outputs, labels) if len(idx_tails) > 0: print( f"Iteration:{epoch}\t" f"Loss:{loss.item()}\t" f"Avg. Logits for correct tails: {outputs[0, idx_tails].flatten().mean().detach()}") else: print( f"Iteration:{epoch}\t" f"Loss:{loss.item()}\t" f"Avg. Logits for all negatives: {outputs[0].flatten().mean().detach()}") loss.backward() optimizer.step() if loss.item() < .00001: print(f'loss is {loss.item():.3f}. Converged !!!') break # (4) Eval mode self.set_model_eval_mode() with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.model(x) loss = self.model.loss(outputs, labels) print(f"Eval Mode:Loss:{loss.item():.4f}\t Outputs:{outputs[0, idx_tails].flatten().detach()}\n")
[docs] def train(self, kg, lr=.1, epoch=10, batch_size=32, neg_sample_ratio=10, num_workers=1) -> None: """ Retrained a pretrain model on an input KG via negative sampling.""" # (1) Create Negative Sampling Setting for training print('Creating Dataset...') train_set = TriplePredictionDataset(kg.train_set, num_entities=len(kg.entity_to_idx), num_relations=len(kg.relation_to_idx), neg_sample_ratio=neg_sample_ratio) num_data_point = len(train_set) print('Number of data points: ', num_data_point) train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=batch_size, # shuffle => to have the data reshuffled at every epoc shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=train_set.collate_fn, pin_memory=True) # (2) Go through valid triples + corrupted triples and compute scores. # Average loss per triple is stored. This will be used to indicate whether we learned something. print('First Eval..') self.set_model_eval_mode() first_avg_loss_per_triple = 0 for x, y in train_dataloader: pred = self.model(x) first_avg_loss_per_triple += self.model.loss(pred, y) first_avg_loss_per_triple /= num_data_point print(first_avg_loss_per_triple) # (3) Prepare Model for Training self.set_model_train_mode() optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=lr) print('Training Starts...') for epoch in range(epoch): # loop over the dataset multiple times epoch_loss = 0 for x, y in train_dataloader: # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize outputs = self.model(x) loss = self.model.loss(outputs, y) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() optimizer.step() print(f'Epoch={epoch}\t Avg. Loss per epoch: {epoch_loss / num_data_point:.3f}') # (5) Prepare For Saving self.set_model_eval_mode() print('Eval starts...') # (6) Eval model on training data to check how much an Improvement last_avg_loss_per_triple = 0 for x, y in train_dataloader: pred = self.model(x) last_avg_loss_per_triple += self.model.loss(pred, y) last_avg_loss_per_triple /= len(train_set) print(f'On average Improvement: {first_avg_loss_per_triple - last_avg_loss_per_triple:.3f}')