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Storages are used to store the results of the benchmark suite. It is possible to use multiple storages at the same time. They can be configured with the storages property in the configuration file by providing a list of storage configurations.


  - type: "csv file"
    directory: "./results"
  - type: "rdf file"
    path: "./results"
  - type: "triplestore"
    endpoint: "http://localhost:3030/ds"
    username: "admin"
    password: "password"

The following values for the type property are supported:

CSV File Storage

The csv file storage writes the results of the benchmark suite to multiple csv files. It only has a single property, directory, which defines the path to the directory where the csv files should be written to.

Inside the directory, a new directory for the execution of the benchmark suite will be created. The name of the directory is suite-<timestamp>-<config-hash> where the timestamp is the benchmark's time of execution and config-hash the hash value of the benchmark configuration.

The following shows an example of the directory structure and created files of the csv storage:

├── suite-summary.csv
├── task-0
│   ├── application-sparql+json
│   │   └── sax-sparql-result-data.csv
│   ├── each-execution-worker-0.csv
│   ├── query-summary-task.csv
│   ├── query-summary-worker-0.csv
│   └── worker-summary.csv
└── task-configuration.csv
  • The suite-summary.csv file contains the summary of each task.
  • The task-configuration.csv file contains information about the configuration of each task.
  • Inside the task-0 directory, the results of the task with the id 0 are stored.
  • The each-execution-worker-0.csv file contains the metric results of each query execution for worker 0.
  • The query-summary-task.csv file contains the summary of the metric results for every query inside the task.
  • The query-summary-worker-0.csv file contains the summary of the metric results for every query of worker 0.
  • The worker-summary.csv file contains the summary of metrics for each worker of the task.

The application-sparql+json directory contains results from Language Processors that process results with the application/sparql+json content type. Each Language Processor creates their own files in their respective directory.

RDF File Storage

The rdf file storage writes the results of the benchmark suite to a single rdf file.

It only has a single property, path, which defines the path to the rdf file where the results should be written to. The path can be either a file or a directory. The file extension of the file determines in which format the rdf data is stored (e.g., .nt for n-triples, .ttl for turtle).

If the path is a directory or a file that already exists, the file will be a turtle file with a timestamp as its name.

Triplestore Storage

The triplestore storage writes the results of the benchmark suite directly to a triplestore as triples, similar to the rdf file storage.

It has the following properties:

  • endpoint: The update endpoint of the triplestore.
  • username: The username for the authentication of the triplestore.
  • password: The password for the authentication of the triplestore.

The username and password properties are optional.