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The response body processor is used to process the response bodies of the HTTP requests that are executed by the workers. The processing is done to extract relevant information from the responses and store them in the results.

Iguana supports multiple response body processors that are defined by the content type of the response body they process.

Currently only the application/sparql-results+json content type is supported, and it only uses the SaxSparqlJsonResultCountingParser language processor to extract simple information from the responses.

Workers send the response bodies to the response body processors, after receiving the full response bodies from the HTTP requests. Response bodies are processed in parallel by the number of threads that are defined in the configuration.

To use a response body processor, it needs to be defined in the configuration file with the contentType property in the responseBodyProcessors list.


property required description example
contentType yes The content type of the response body. "application/sparql-results+json"
threads no The number of threads that are used to process the response bodies. (default is 1) 2
timeout no The maximum duration that the response body processor can take to process a response body. (default is 10 minutes) 10m