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The configuration file for a benchmark suite can either be .yaml-file or a .json-file. YAML is recommended and all examples will be presented as YAML.


The following example shows a basic configuration for a benchmark suite as an introduction.

  - name: "sp2b"                                        # for documentation purposes

  - name: "fuseki"
    endpoint: "http://localhost:3030/sparql"
    dataset: "sp2b"

  - type: "stresstest"                                  # stresstest the endpoint
    - type: "SPARQLProtocolWorker"                      # this worker type sends SPARQL queries over HTTP with the SPARQL protocol
      number: 2                                         # generate 2 workers with the same configuration
      connection: "fuseki"                              # the endpoint to which the workers are sending the queries to
        path: "./example/suite/queries.txt"             # the file with the queries
        format: "one-per-line"                          # the format of the queries
        number: 1                                       # each worker stops after executing all queries once
      timeout: "3 min"                                  # a query will time out after 3 minutes
      acceptHeader: "application/sparql-results+json"   # the expected content type of the HTTP response (HTTP Accept header)
      parseResults: false

# calculate queries per second only for successful queries and the queries per second with a penalty for failed queries
  - type: "PQPS"
    penalty: 180000   # in milliseconds (3 minutes)
  - type: "QPS"

# store the results in an n-triples file and in CSV files
  - type: "rdf file"             
    path: "./results/result.nt"
  - type: "csv file"
    directory: "./results/"

This configuration defines a benchmark suite that stresstests a triplestore with two workers.

The triplestore is named fuseki and is located at http://localhost:3030/sparql. The dataset, that is used for the benchmark, is named sp2b. During the stresstest the workers will send SPARQL queries that are located in the file ./example/suite/queries.txt to the triplestore. They will stop after they have executed all queries once, which is defined by the completionTarget-property.

After the queries have been executed, two metrics are calculated based on the results. The first metric is the PQPS-metric, which calculates the queries per second with a penalty for failed queries. The second metric is the QPS-metric, which calculates the queries per second only for successful queries.

The results are stored in an RDF file at ./results/result.nt and in CSV files in the directory ./results/.


The configuration file consists of the following six sections: - Datasets - Connections - Tasks - Response-Body-Processors - Metrics - Storages

Each section holds an array of their respective items. Each item type will be defined further in this documentation. The order of the sections is not important. The general structure of a suite configuration may look like this:

  - # item 1
  - # item 2
  - # ...

  - # item 1
  - # item 2
  - # ...

  - # item 1
  - # item 2
  - # ...

  - # item 1
  - # item 2
  - # ...

  - # item 1
  - # item 2
  - # ...

  - # item 1
  - # item 2
  - # ...


Durations are used to define time spans in the configuration. They can be used for the timeout-property of the workers or the response body processors or for the completionTarget-property of the tasks. Duration values can be defined as a XSD duration string or as a string with a number and a unit. The following units are supported: - s or secor secs for seconds - m or min or mins for minutes - h or hr or hrs for hours - d or day or days for days

Some examples for duration values:

timeout: "2S" # 2 seconds
timeout: "10s" # 10 seconds
timeout: "PT10S" # 10 seconds


The tasks are the core of the benchmark suite. They define the actual process of the benchmarking suite and are executed from top to bottom in the order they are defined in the configuration. At the moment, the stresstest is the only implemented task. The stresstest-task queries specified endpoints with the given queries and evaluates the performance of the endpoint by measuring the time each query execution took. After the execution of the queries, the task calculates the required metrics based on the measurements.

The tasks are explained in more detail in the Tasks documentation.


The storages define where and how the results of the benchmarking suite are stored. There are three types of storages that are supported at the moment: - rdf file - csv file - triplestore

Each storage type will be explained in more detail in the Storages documentation.


The datasets that have been used for the benchmark can be defined here. Right now, this is only used for documentation purposes. For example, you might want to know which dataset was loaded into a triplestore at the time a stresstest was executed.

The datasets are therefore later on referenced in the connections-property to document which dataset has been loaded into which endpoint.


Each dataset entry has the following properties:

property required description example
name yes This is a descriptive name for the dataset. "sp2b"
file no File path of the dataset. (not used for anything at the moment) "./datasets/sp2b.nt"


  - name: "sp2b"
    file: "./datasets/sp2b.nt"

  - name: "fuseki"
    endpoint: "https://localhost:3030/query"
    dataset: "sp2b"

As already mentioned, the datasets-property is only used for documentation. The information about the datasets will be stored in the results. For the csv storage, the above configuration might result with the following task-configuration.csv-file:

taskID connection version dataset fuseki v2 sp2b

The resulting triples for the rdf file storage might look like this:

ires:fuseki a iont:Connection ;
    rdfs:label      "fuseki" ;
    iprop:dataset   ires:sp2b .

ires:sp2b a iont:Dataset ;
    rdfs:label  "sp2b" .


The connections are used to define the endpoints for the triplestores. The defined connections can later be used in the tasks-configuration to specify the endpoints for the benchmarking process.


property required description example
name yes This is a descriptive name for the connection. (needs to be unique) "fuseki"
version no This serves to document the version of the connection.
It has no functional property.
dataset no This serves to document the dataset, that has been loaded into the specified connection. It has no functional property.
(needs to reference an already defined dataset in datasets)
endpoint yes An URI at which the endpoint is located. "http://localhost:3030/query"
authentication no Basic authentication data for the connection. see below
updateEndpoint no An URI at which an additional update-endpoint might be located.
This is useful for triplestores that have separate endpoints for update queries.
updateAuthentication no Basic Authentication data for the updateEndpoint. see below

Iguana only supports the HTTP basic authentication for now. The authentication properties are objects that are defined as follows:

property required description example
user yes The user name. "admin"
password yes The password of the user. "password"


  - name: "wikidata"

  - name: "fuseki"
    endpoint: "https://localhost:3030/query"
  - name: "tentris"
    version: "v0.4.0"
    dataset: "wikidata" # needs to reference an existing definition in datasets
    endpoint: "https://localhost:9080/query"
      user: "admin"
      password: "password"
    updateEndpoint: "https://localhost:8080/update"
      user: "updateUser"
      password: "123"


The response body processors are used to process the response bodies that are received for each query from the benchmarked endpoints. The processors extract relevant information from the response bodies and store them in the results. Processors are defined by the content type of the response body they process. At the moment, only the application/sparql-results+json content type is supported.

The response body processors are explained in more detail in the Response-Body-Processor documentation.


Metrics are used to compare the performance of the benchmarked endpoints. The metrics are calculated from the results of the benchmarking tasks. Depending on the type of the metric, they are calculated for each query, for each worker, or for the whole task.

Each metric will be explained in more detail in the Metrics documentation.

Basic Example

  - name: "sp2b"

  - name: "fuseki"
    dataset: "sp2b"
    endpoint: "http://localhost:3030/sp2b"

  - type: "stresstest"
      - number: 2
        type: "SPARQLProtocolWorker"
        parseResults: true
        acceptHeader: "application/sparql-results+json"
          path: "./example/suite/queries/"
          format: "folder"
          number: 1
        connection: "fuseki"
        timeout: "2S"

  - contentType: "application/sparql-results+json"
    threads: 1

  - type: "PQPS"
    penalty: 100
  - type: "QPS"

  - type: "rdf file"
    path: "./results/result.nt"
  - type: "csv file"
    directory: "./results/"