
OWL Data Ranges


DataRange := Datatype | DataIntersectionOf | DataUnionOf | DataComplementOf | DataOneOf | DatatypeRestriction



OWL Objects that can be the ranges of properties.


Represents a DataRange in the OWL 2 Specification.




An intersection data range DataIntersectionOf( DR1 ... DRn ) contains all tuples of literals that are contained


A union data range DataUnionOf( DR1 ... DRn ) contains all tuples of literals that are contained in the at least


A complement data range DataComplementOf( DR ) contains all tuples of literals that are not contained in the

Module Contents

class owlapy.owl_data_ranges.OWLPropertyRange[source]

Bases: owlapy.owl_object.OWLObject

OWL Objects that can be the ranges of properties.

class owlapy.owl_data_ranges.OWLDataRange[source]

Bases: OWLPropertyRange

Represents a DataRange in the OWL 2 Specification.

class owlapy.owl_data_ranges.OWLNaryDataRange(operands: Iterable[OWLDataRange])[source]

Bases: OWLDataRange, owlapy.meta_classes.HasOperands[OWLDataRange]


__slots__ = ()
operands() Iterable[OWLDataRange][source]

Gets the operands - e.g., the individuals in a sameAs axiom, or the classes in an equivalent classes axiom.


The operands.

class owlapy.owl_data_ranges.OWLDataIntersectionOf(operands: Iterable[OWLDataRange])[source]

Bases: OWLNaryDataRange

An intersection data range DataIntersectionOf( DR1 … DRn ) contains all tuples of literals that are contained in each data range DRi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. All data ranges DRi must be of the same arity, and the resulting data range is of that arity as well.


__slots__ = '_operands'
type_index: Final = 4004
class owlapy.owl_data_ranges.OWLDataUnionOf(operands: Iterable[OWLDataRange])[source]

Bases: OWLNaryDataRange

A union data range DataUnionOf( DR1 … DRn ) contains all tuples of literals that are contained in the at least one data range DRi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. All data ranges DRi must be of the same arity, and the resulting data range is of that arity as well.


__slots__ = '_operands'
type_index: Final = 4005
class owlapy.owl_data_ranges.OWLDataComplementOf(data_range: OWLDataRange)[source]

Bases: OWLDataRange

A complement data range DataComplementOf( DR ) contains all tuples of literals that are not contained in the data range DR. The resulting data range has the arity equal to the arity of DR.


type_index: Final = 4002
get_data_range() OWLDataRange[source]

The wrapped data range.
