Basic Usage
The main usage for owlapy is to use it for class expression construction. Class expression learning algorithms require such basic structure to work upon. Let’s walk through an example of constructing some class expressions.
In this example we will be using the family ontology,
a simple ontology with namespace:
Here is a hierarchical diagram that shows the classes and their relationship:
/ |
male female
It contains only one object property which is hasChild
and in total there
are six persons (individuals), of which four are males and two are females.
Atomic Classes
To represent the classes male
, female
, and person
we can simply use the
class OWLClass:
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLClass
from owlapy.iri import IRI
namespace = ""
male = OWLClass(IRI(namespace, "male"))
female = OWLClass(IRI(namespace, "female"))
person = OWLClass(IRI(namespace, "person"))
Notice that we created an IRI
object for every class. IRI
is used to represent an IRI. Every named entity requires an IRI, whereas Anonymous entities does not.
However, in owlapy you can create an OWLClass by passing the IRI directly as a string, like so:
male = OWLClass("")
Object Property
To represent the object property hasChild
we can use the class
from owlapy.owl_property import OWLObjectProperty
hasChild = OWLObjectProperty("")
Tip: In owlapy the naming of the classes is made in accordance with the notations from OWL 2 specification but with the word “OWL” in the beginning. Example: “OWLObjectProperty” represents the notation “ObjectProperty”.
Complex class expressions
Now that we have these atomic entities, we can construct more complex class
expressions. Let’s say we want to represent all individuals which are male
and have at least 1 child.
We already have the concept of male
. We need to find the appropriate class
for the second part: “have at least 1 child”. In OWL 2 specification that would be
ObjectMinCardinality. In owlapy,
as we said, we simply add the word “OWL” upfront to find the correct class:
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLObjectMinCardinality
has_at_least_one_child = OWLObjectMinCardinality(
cardinality = 1,
property = hasChild,
filler = person
As you can see, to create an object of class OWLObjectMinCardinality
is as easy as that. You specify the cardinality which in this case is 1
, the object property where we apply this
cardinality restriction and the filler class in case you want to restrict the domain of the class expression. In this
case we used person
Now let’s merge both class expressions together using OWLObjectIntersectionOf:
from owlapy.class_expression import OWLObjectIntersectionOf
ce = OWLObjectIntersectionOf([male, has_at_least_one_child])
Convert to SPARQL, DL or Manchester syntax
Owlapy is not just a library to represent OWL entities, you can also use it to convert owl expressions into other formats:
from owlapy import owl_expression_to_sparql, owl_expression_to_dl, owl_expression_to_manchester
# Result: male ⊓ (≥ 1 hasChild.person)
# Result: SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE { ?x a <> . { SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <> ?s_1 . ?s_1 a <> . } GROUP BY ?x HAVING ( COUNT ( ?s_1 ) >= 1 ) } }
# Result: male and (hasChild min 1 person)
To parse a DL or Manchester expression to owl expression you can use the following convenient methods:
from owlapy import dl_to_owl_expression, manchester_to_owl_expression
print(dl_to_owl_expression("∃ hasChild.male", namespace))
# Result: OWLObjectSomeValuesFrom(property=OWLObjectProperty(IRI('','hasChild')),filler=OWLClass(IRI('','male')))
print(manchester_to_owl_expression("female and (hasChild max 2 person)", namespace))
# Result: OWLObjectIntersectionOf((OWLClass(IRI('','female')), OWLObjectMaxCardinality(property=OWLObjectProperty(IRI('','hasChild')),2,filler=OWLClass(IRI('','person')))))
In these examples we showed a fraction of owlapy. You can explore the api documentation to learn more about all classes in owlapy and check more examples in the examples directory.