Graffiti is an urban phenomenon that is increasingly attracting the interest of the sciences. To the best of our knowledge, no suitable data corpora are available for systematic research until now. The Information System Graffiti in Germany project (INGRID) closes this gap by dealing with graffiti image collections that have been made available to the project for public use. Within INGRID, the graffiti images are collected, digitized and annotated.
INGRID-KG aims to support the rapid access to a comprehensive data source on INGRID targeted especially by researchers.
In particular, INGRID-KG is an RDF knowledge graph of annotated graffiti, abides by the Linked Data and FAIR principles.
We weekly updating INGRID-KG by augmenting the new annotated graffiti to our knowledge graph.
Our generation pipeline applies RDF data conversion, link discovery and data fusion approaches to the original data.
INGRID-KG is publicly available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Count the number of resources?
SELECT count(distinct(?s)) WHERE{
?s ?p ?o .
SELECT count(*) WHERE {
?s ?p ?o .
Count the number of properties?
SELECT count(distinct(?p)) WHERE{
?s ?p ?o .
SELECT count(distinct(?o)) WHERE{
?s ?p ?o .
Retrieve a set of 100 random graffiti that were painted by the same crew “AC”
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct * WHERE{
?s grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew grfr:AC .
grfr:AC grfo:hasLongForm ?o.
Show all graffiti created by the sprayer crew “EURO” containing ”!”
PREFIX grfp: <>
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct * where{
?s grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crew .
?crew a grfo:GraffitiSprayerCrew .
?crew rdfs:label "EURO" .
?s grfo:hasItem ?item .
FILTER( REGEX( ?item, "!" ) ) .
Show all graffiti created by the sprayer crew “EURO” containing ”?”
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct * where{
?s grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crew .
?s grfo:hasItem ?item .
FILTER( contains(?item, "?") ) .
How many graffities have “a” in their sprayercrew name?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct count( ?s ) as ?cnt where{
?s grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crew .
?crew a grfo:GraffitiSprayerCrew .
?crew rdfs:label ?crewName .
FILTER( contains(?crewName, "a")) .
How many crew members in each crew?
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct ?crew, count( ?crewMember ) as ?cnt WHERE{
?crew a grfo:CrewMember .
?crew grfo:hasCrewMember ?crewMember .
To how many crews does a crew member belong?
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct ?crewMember count(?crew) as ?cnt WHERE{
?crew a grfo:CrewMember .
?crew grfo:hasCrewMember ?crewMember .
?crewMember a grfo:CrewMember .
?crewMember rdfs:label ?crewMemberLabel.
Which crew members work in more than one crew?
PREFIX grfp: <>
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct ?crewMemberLabel (count(?crew) as ?cnt) WHERE{
?crew a grfo:Crew .
?crew grfo:hasCrewMember ?crewMember .
?crewMember rdfs:label ?crewMemberLabel.
GROUP BY ?crewMemberLabel
ORDER BY desc(?cnt)
In which crews does the crew member “REAL” work?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct* WHERE{
?crew a grfo:CrewMember .
?crew grfo:hasCrewMember grfr:REAL .
grfr:REAL grfo:hasLngForm ?crewMemberLabel .
How many graffities were painted by each crew?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct ?crewName (count(?graffitiCrew) as ?cnt) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?graffitiCrew .
?graffitiCrew rdfs:label ?crewName .
GROUP BY ?crewName
ORDER BY desc(?cnt)
What is the average number of colours per graffiti?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT (AVG(?cnt) AS ?avg) WHERE {
SELECT distinct ?graffiti count(?elem) AS ?cnt WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasColour ?elem
How many graffities contain some_Spanish?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct count( ?graffiti ) AS ?cnt WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasLanguage "es - Spanisch"
How many graffities were recorded between the years 1998 and 2000?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct count( ?graffiti ) AS ?cnt WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasRecordingDate ?date .
FILTER("1998-01-01"^^xsd:date <= ?date && ?date < "2000-01-01"^^xsd:date).
Graffities filtered by location (city “Essen”) and date (between the years 1998 and 2000)
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct count( ?graffiti ) AS ?cnt WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasLocation ?city .
?city a grfo:City .
?city rdfs:label "Essen" .
?graffiti grfo:hasRecordingDate ?date .
FILTER("1998-01-01"^^xsd:date <= ?date && ?date < "2000-01-01"^^xsd:date).
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
select (AVG(?cnt) AS ?avg)
SELECT distinct ?graffiti count( ?elem ) AS ?cnt WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasColour ?elem ;
grfo:hasType "Piece/Writing/Style" ;
grfo:hasCarrierMedium "Hall of Fame".
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
select (AVG(?cnt) AS ?avg)
SELECT distinct ?graffiti count( ?elem ) AS ?cnt WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasColour ?elem ;
grfo:hasType "Piece/Writing/Style".
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?graffiti grfo:hasCarrierMedium "Hall of Fame"} .
Show every Graffiti with only one name in the field SPRÜHER that has an embedded signature
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?crow (COUNT(?s) AS ?count) WHERE {
?crow grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?o ;
grfo:hasEmbeddedGraffiti "Signatur/en".
GROUP BY ?crow
HAVING (COUNT(?s) = 1)
Show every postal code in which a sprayer painted a graffiti?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT distinct ?name (?plz) WHERE {
?g grfo:hasPostalCode ?plz ;
grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crow .
?crow rdfs:label ?name
ORDER BY ?crow
Count the number of postal code areas per crew?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?crow COUNT(?plz) AS ?count WHERE {
?g grfo:hasPostalCode ?plz ;
grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crow .
ORDER BY DESC (?count)
Count the number of graffiti per postal code for the crew “GISMO”?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
?g grfo:postalCode ?plz ;
grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew grfr:GISMO .
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?MinDate ?MaxDate ?years WHERE {
SELECT distinct min(?date) AS ?MinDate max(?date) AS ?MaxDate WHERE{
?g grfo:hasRecordingDate ?date ;
grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew grfr:GISMO .
bind( year(?MaxDate) - year(?MinDate) - if(month(?MaxDate)<month(?MinDate) || (month(?MaxDate)=month(?MinDate) && day(?MaxDate)<day(?MinDate)),1,0) as ?years )
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?crow ?MinDate ?MaxDate ?Years WHERE{
SELECT distinct ?crow min(?date) AS ?MinDate max(?date) AS ?MaxDate WHERE{
?g grfo:hasRecordingDate ?date ;
grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crow .
bind( year(?MaxDate) - year(?MinDate) - if(month(?MaxDate)<month(?MinDate) || (month(?MaxDate)= month(?MinDate) && day(?MaxDate)<day(?MinDate)),1,0) as ?Years )
What is the most frequent sprayer in the DB? can be answered by this query:
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?crow count(DISTINCT ?g) AS ?GrPerCrow WHERE{
?g grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?crow .
ORDER BY DESC (count(?g))
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?typ ?cnt WHERE {
SELECT ?typ (count(DISTINCT ?elem) as ?cnt) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasType ?typ ;
grfo:hasSyleElement ?elem .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?graffiti grfo:hasCarrierMedium "Hall of Fame"} .
FILTER(?cnt > 5)
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?typ count(DISTINCT ?graffiti) as ?cntGraffities WHERE {
SELECT ?graffiti ?typ (count(DISTINCT ?elem) as ?cnt) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasType ?typ ;
grfo:hasSyleElement ?elem .
FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?graffiti grfo:hasCarrierMedium "Hall of Fame"} .
FILTER(?cnt > 5)
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?graffiti, ?cnt WHERE {
SELECT ?graffiti (count(?graffitiCrew) as ?cnt) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?graffitiCrew .
FILTER(?cnt > 3)
GROUP BY ?graffiti
ORDER BY desc(?cnt)
Count the number of graffiti per postal code with the topic „Politik“ in Mannheim
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT (COUNT(?g) as ?numberOfGraffiti) ?plz WHERE{
?g grfo:hasPostalCode ?plz ;
grfo:hasLocation grfr:Mannheim ;
grfo:hasTheme "Politik".
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
select (AVG(?itemLen) AS ?avg) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasType "Spruch/Konzeptaufruf";
grfo:hasItem ?item .
BIND(replace(?item, " ", "") as ?withoutSpace)
BIND (strlen(?withoutSpace) AS ?itemLen)
Count the number of letters for the item “RIOT RADIO” without spaces?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
?s grfo:hasItem "RIOT RADIO"@en.
?s grfo:hasItem ?item.
bind(replace(?item, " ", "") as ?withoutSpace)
bind(strlen(?withoutSpace) as ?itemLen).
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT (AVG(?itemLen) AS ?avg) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasType "Spruch/Konzeptaufruf";
grfo:hasTheme "Politik";
grfo:hasItem ?item .
BIND (strlen(?item) AS ?itemLen)
Find the graffities created by more than one sprayer crew.
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?graffiti, ?text, ?cnt WHERE {
SELECT ?graffiti ?text (count(?graffitiCrew) as ?cnt) WHERE{
?graffiti grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?graffitiCrew .
?graffiti grfo:hasItem ?text .
?graffiti grfo:hasType "Piece/Writing/Style".
?graffitiCrew rdfs:label ?crewName .
FILTER(?cnt > 1)
GROUP BY ?graffiti
ORDER BY desc(?cnt)
What is the most frequent languages of grafitti of Type “Spruch/Konzeptaufruf”?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?lang count(DISTINCT ?g) AS ?GrPerLang WHERE{
?g grfo:hasType "Spruch/Konzeptaufruf".
?g grfo:hasLanguage ?lang
ORDER BY DESC (count(?g))
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT ?lang count(DISTINCT ?g) AS ?GrPerLang WHERE{
?g grfo:hasType "Spruch/Konzeptaufruf".
?g grfo:hasLanguage ?lang.
?g grfo:hasRecordingDate ?date .
FILTER("1990-01-01"^^xsd:date <= ?date && ?date < "1999-12-31"^^xsd:date).
ORDER BY DESC (count(?g))
Retrieve the number of used colors per crew?
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
SELECT disntict ?graffitiCrew ?colour (count(?colour) as ?count) WHERE
?graffiti grfo:hasGraffitiSprayerCrew ?graffitiCrew .
?graffitiCrew a grfo:GraffitiSprayerCrew .
?graffiti grfo:hasColour ?colour .
GROUP BY ?graffitiCrew ?colour
Find all sub-graffiti with comments
PREFIX grfr: <>
PREFIX grfo: <>
?g a grfo:Graffiti .
?g grfo:hasType "Comment" .