Hash function for stl types and container
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cdice::hash::blake3::Blake3< OutputExtent >
 Cxxh::canonical_t< bit_mode >
 Cdice::hash::dice_hash_overload< Policy, T >Helper struct for defining the hash for custom structs
 Cdice::hash::dice_hash_templates< Policy >Class which contains all dice_hash functions
 Cdice::hash::dice_hash_overload< Policy, T >::AlwaysFalse< typename >Helper type
 Cdice::hash::is_ordered_container< T >Typetrait for checking if a type T is an ordered container
 Cdice::hash::is_unordered_container< T >Typetrait for checking if a type T is an unordered container
 Cxxh::hash3_state_t< bit_mode >
 Cxxh::hash_state_t< bit_mode >
 Cxxh::typedefs::hash_type< N >
 Cxxh::typedefs::hash_type< 128 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::hash_type< 32 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::hash_type< 64 >
 Cdice::hash::DiceHash< T, Policy >Wrapper class for the dice::hash::dice_hash function
 Cdice::hash::lthash::MathEngine_Hwy< Bits >
 Cdice::hash::lthash::MathEngine_Simple< Bits >
 Cdice::hash::is_ordered_container< std::map< Key, T, Compare, Allocator > >Specialization for std::map
 Cdice::hash::is_ordered_container< std::set< Key, Compare, Allocator > >Specialization for std::set
 Cdice::hash::is_unordered_container< std::unordered_map< Key, T, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > >Specialization for std::unordered_map
 Cdice::hash::is_unordered_container< std::unordered_set< Key, Hash, KeyEqual, Allocator > >Specialization for std::unordered_set
 Cxxh::typedefs::uint_type< N >
 Cxxh::typedefs::uint_type< 128 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::uint_type< 32 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::uint_type< 64 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::vec_type< N >
 Cxxh::typedefs::vec_type< 128 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::vec_type< 256 >
 Cxxh::typedefs::vec_type< 64 >