Source code for dicee.static_funcs

import numpy as np
import torch
import datetime
from typing import Tuple, List
from .models import Pyke, DistMult, KeciBase, Keci, TransE, DeCaL, DualE,\
    ComplEx, AConEx, AConvO, AConvQ, ConvQ, ConvO, ConEx, QMult, OMult, Shallom, LFMult
from .models.pykeen_models import PykeenKGE
from .models.transformers import BytE
import time
import pandas as pd
import json
import glob
import functools
import os
import psutil
from .models.base_model import BaseKGE
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict

import requests

[docs] def create_recipriocal_triples(x): """ Add inverse triples into dask dataframe :param x: :return: """ return pd.concat([x, x['object'].to_frame(name='subject').join( x['relation'].map(lambda x: x + '_inverse').to_frame(name='relation')).join( x['subject'].to_frame(name='object'))], ignore_index=True)
[docs] def get_er_vocab(data, file_path: str = None): # head entity and relation er_vocab = defaultdict(list) for triple in data: h, r, t = triple er_vocab[(h, r)].append(t) if file_path: save_pickle(data=er_vocab, file_path=file_path) return er_vocab
[docs] def get_re_vocab(data, file_path: str = None): # head entity and relation re_vocab = defaultdict(list) for triple in data: re_vocab[(triple[1], triple[2])].append(triple[0]) if file_path: save_pickle(data=re_vocab, file_path=file_path) return re_vocab
[docs] def get_ee_vocab(data, file_path: str = None): # head entity and relation ee_vocab = defaultdict(list) for triple in data: ee_vocab[(triple[0], triple[2])].append(triple[1]) if file_path: save_pickle(data=ee_vocab, file_path=file_path) return ee_vocab
[docs] def timeit(func): @functools.wraps(func) def timeit_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.perf_counter() result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = time.perf_counter() total_time = end_time - start_time print( f'Took {total_time:.4f} secs ' f'| Current Memory Usage {psutil.Process(os.getpid()).memory_info().rss / 1000000: .5} in MB') return result return timeit_wrapper
# TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization.
[docs] def save_pickle(*, data: object=None, file_path=str): if data: pickle.dump(data, open(file_path, "wb")) else: print("Input data is None. Nothing to save.")
# TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization.
[docs] def load_pickle(file_path=str): with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
# @TODO: Could these funcs can be merged?
[docs] def select_model(args: dict, is_continual_training: bool = None, storage_path: str = None): isinstance(args, dict) assert len(args) > 0 assert isinstance(is_continual_training, bool) assert isinstance(storage_path, str) if is_continual_training: print('Loading pre-trained model...') model, _ = intialize_model(args) try: weights = torch.load(storage_path + '/', torch.device('cpu')) model.load_state_dict(weights) for parameter in model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = True model.train() except FileNotFoundError: print(f"{storage_path}/ is not found. The model will be trained with random weights") return model, _ else: return intialize_model(args)
[docs] def load_model(path_of_experiment_folder: str, model_name='',verbose=0) -> Tuple[object, Tuple[dict, dict]]: """ Load weights and initialize pytorch module from namespace arguments""" if verbose>0: print(f'Loading model {model_name}...', end=' ') start_time = time.time() # (1) Load weights.. weights = torch.load(path_of_experiment_folder + f'/{model_name}', torch.device('cpu')) configs = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/configuration.json') reports = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/report.json') if configs.get("byte_pair_encoding", None): num_tokens, ent_dim = weights['token_embeddings.weight'].shape # (2) Loading input configuration. configs = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/configuration.json') report = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/report.json') # Load ordered_bpe_entities.p configs["ordered_bpe_entities"] = load_pickle(file_path=path_of_experiment_folder + "/ordered_bpe_entities.p") configs["num_tokens"] = num_tokens configs["max_length_subword_tokens"] = report["max_length_subword_tokens"] else: num_ent = reports["num_entities"] num_rel = reports["num_relations"] # Update the training configuration configs["num_entities"] = num_ent configs["num_relations"] = num_rel if verbose>0: print(f'Done! It took {time.time() - start_time:.3f}') # (4) Select the model model, _ = intialize_model(configs,verbose) # (5) Put (1) into (4) if isinstance(weights,torch.jit._script.RecursiveScriptModule): model.load_state_dict(weights.state_dict()) else: model.load_state_dict(weights) # (6) Set it into eval model. for parameter in model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = False model.eval() start_time = time.time() if configs.get("byte_pair_encoding", None): return model, None else: if verbose>0: print('Loading entity and relation indexes...', end=' ') try: # Maybe ? # TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization. # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory with open(path_of_experiment_folder + '/entity_to_idx.p', 'rb') as f: entity_to_idx = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory entity_to_idx = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/entity_to_idx.json') try: # TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization. # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory with open(path_of_experiment_folder + '/relation_to_idx.p', 'rb') as f: relation_to_idx = pickle.load(f) except FileNotFoundError: # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory relation_to_idx = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/relation_to_idx.json') if verbose > 0: print(f'Done! It took {time.time() - start_time:.4f}') return model, (entity_to_idx, relation_to_idx)
[docs] def load_model_ensemble(path_of_experiment_folder: str) -> Tuple[BaseKGE, Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]]: """ Construct Ensemble Of weights and initialize pytorch module from namespace arguments (1) Detect models under given path (2) Accumulate parameters of detected models (3) Normalize parameters (4) Insert (3) into model. """ print('Constructing Ensemble of ', end=' ') start_time = time.time() # (1) Detect models under given path. paths_for_loading = glob.glob(path_of_experiment_folder + '/model*') print(f'{len(paths_for_loading)} models...') assert len(paths_for_loading) > 0 num_of_models = len(paths_for_loading) weights = None # (2) Accumulate parameters of detected models. while len(paths_for_loading): p = paths_for_loading.pop() print(f'Model: {p}...') if weights is None: weights = torch.load(p, torch.device('cpu')) else: five_weights = torch.load(p, torch.device('cpu')) # (2.1) Accumulate model parameters for k, _ in weights.items(): if 'weight' in k: weights[k] = (weights[k] + five_weights[k]) # (3) Normalize parameters. for k, _ in weights.items(): if 'weight' in k: weights[k] /= num_of_models # (4) Insert (3) into model # (4.1) Load report and configuration to initialize model. configs = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/configuration.json') report = load_json(path_of_experiment_folder + '/report.json') configs["num_entities"] = report["num_entities"] configs["num_relations"] = report["num_relations"] print(f'Done! It took {time.time() - start_time:.2f} seconds.') # (4.2) Select the model model, _ = intialize_model(configs) # (4.3) Put (3) into their places model.load_state_dict(weights, strict=True) # (6) Set it into eval model. print('Setting Eval mode & requires_grad params to False') for parameter in model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = False model.eval() start_time = time.time() print('Loading entity and relation indexes...', end=' ') # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory # TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization. with open(path_of_experiment_folder + '/entity_to_idx.p', 'rb') as f: entity_to_idx = pickle.load(f) with open(path_of_experiment_folder + '/relation_to_idx.p', 'rb') as f: relation_to_idx = pickle.load(f) assert isinstance(entity_to_idx, dict) assert isinstance(relation_to_idx, dict) print(f'Done! It took {time.time() - start_time:.4f}') return model, (entity_to_idx, relation_to_idx)
[docs] def save_numpy_ndarray(*, data: np.ndarray, file_path: str): with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:, data)
[docs] def numpy_data_type_changer(train_set: np.ndarray, num: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Detect most efficient data type for a given triples :param train_set: :param num: :return: """ assert isinstance(num, int) if np.iinfo(np.int8).max > num: # print(f'Setting int8,\t {np.iinfo(np.int8).max}') train_set = train_set.astype(np.int8) elif np.iinfo(np.int16).max > num: # print(f'Setting int16,\t {np.iinfo(np.int16).max}') train_set = train_set.astype(np.int16) elif np.iinfo(np.int32).max > num: # print(f'Setting int32,\t {np.iinfo(np.int32).max}') train_set = train_set.astype(np.int32) else: raise TypeError('Int64?') return train_set
[docs] def save_checkpoint_model(model, path: str) -> None: """ Store Pytorch model into disk""" if isinstance(model, BaseKGE): try:, path) except ReferenceError as e: print(e) print( print('Could not save the model correctly') else:, path)
[docs] def store(trainer, trained_model, model_name: str = 'model', full_storage_path: str = None, save_embeddings_as_csv=False) -> None: """ Store trained_model model and save embeddings into csv file. :param trainer: an instance of trainer class :param full_storage_path: path to save parameters. :param model_name: string representation of the name of the model. :param trained_model: an instance of BaseKGE see core.models.base_model . :param save_embeddings_as_csv: for easy access of embeddings. :return: """ assert full_storage_path is not None assert isinstance(model_name, str) assert len(model_name) > 1 # (1) Save pytorch model in trained_model . save_checkpoint_model(model=trained_model, path=full_storage_path + f'/{model_name}.pt') if save_embeddings_as_csv: entity_emb, relation_ebm = trained_model.get_embeddings() # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory # TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization. entity_to_idx = pickle.load(open(full_storage_path + '/entity_to_idx.p', 'rb')) entity_str = entity_to_idx.keys() # Ensure that the ordering is correct. assert list(range(0, len(entity_str))) == list(entity_to_idx.values()) save_embeddings(entity_emb.numpy(), indexes=entity_str, path=full_storage_path + '/' + + '_entity_embeddings.csv') del entity_to_idx, entity_str, entity_emb if relation_ebm is not None: # TODO: CD: We do not need to keep the mapping in memory # TODO:CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization. relation_to_idx = pickle.load(open(full_storage_path + '/relation_to_idx.p', 'rb')) relations_str = relation_to_idx.keys() save_embeddings(relation_ebm.numpy(), indexes=relations_str, path=full_storage_path + '/' + + '_relation_embeddings.csv') del relation_ebm, relations_str, relation_to_idx else: pass
[docs] def add_noisy_triples(train_set: pd.DataFrame, add_noise_rate: float) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Add randomly constructed triples :param train_set: :param add_noise_rate: :return: """ num_triples = len(train_set) num_noisy_triples = int(num_triples * add_noise_rate) print(f'[4 / 14] Generating {num_noisy_triples} noisy triples for training data...') list_of_entities = pd.unique(train_set[['subject', 'object']].values.ravel()) train_set = pd.concat([train_set, # Noisy triples pd.DataFrame( {'subject': np.random.choice(list_of_entities, num_noisy_triples), 'relation': np.random.choice( pd.unique(train_set[['relation']].values.ravel()), num_noisy_triples), 'object': np.random.choice(list_of_entities, num_noisy_triples)} ) ], ignore_index=True) del list_of_entities assert num_triples + num_noisy_triples == len(train_set) return train_set
[docs] def read_or_load_kg(args, cls): print('*** Read or Load Knowledge Graph ***') start_time = time.time() kg = cls(dataset_dir=args.dataset_dir, byte_pair_encoding=args.byte_pair_encoding, add_noise_rate=args.add_noise_rate, sparql_endpoint=args.sparql_endpoint, path_single_kg=args.path_single_kg, add_reciprical=args.apply_reciprical_or_noise, eval_model=args.eval_model, read_only_few=args.read_only_few, sample_triples_ratio=args.sample_triples_ratio, path_for_serialization=args.full_storage_path, path_for_deserialization=args.path_experiment_folder if hasattr(args, 'path_experiment_folder') else None, backend=args.backend) print(f'Preprocessing took: {time.time() - start_time:.3f} seconds') # (2) Share some info about data for easy access. print(kg.description_of_input) return kg
[docs] def intialize_model(args: dict,verbose=0) -> Tuple[object, str]: if verbose>0: print(f"Initializing {args['model']}...") model_name = args['model'] if "pykeen" in model_name.lower(): model = PykeenKGE(args=args) form_of_labelling = "EntityPrediction" elif model_name == 'Shallom': model = Shallom(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'RelationPrediction' elif model_name == 'ConEx': model = ConEx(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'AConEx': model = AConEx(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'QMult': model = QMult(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'OMult': model = OMult(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'ConvQ': model = ConvQ(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'AConvQ': model = AConvQ(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'ConvO': model = ConvO(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'AConvO': model = AConvO(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'ComplEx': model = ComplEx(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'DistMult': model = DistMult(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'TransE': model = TransE(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'Pyke': model = Pyke(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'Keci': model = Keci(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'KeciBase': model = KeciBase(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'BytE': model = BytE(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'LFMult': model = LFMult(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'DeCaL': model =DeCaL(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' elif model_name == 'DualE': model =DualE(args=args) form_of_labelling = 'EntityPrediction' else: raise ValueError(f"--model_name: {model_name} is not found.") return model, form_of_labelling
[docs] def load_json(p: str) -> dict: with open(p, 'r') as r: args = json.load(r) return args
[docs] def save_embeddings(embeddings: np.ndarray, indexes, path: str) -> None: """ Save it as CSV if memory allows. :param embeddings: :param indexes: :param path: :return: """ try: pd.DataFrame(embeddings, index=indexes).to_csv(path) except KeyError or AttributeError as e: print('Exception occurred at saving entity embeddings. Computation will continue') print(e)
[docs] def random_prediction(pre_trained_kge): head_entity: List[str] relation: List[str] tail_entity: List[str] head_entity = pre_trained_kge.sample_entity(1) relation = pre_trained_kge.sample_relation(1) tail_entity = pre_trained_kge.sample_entity(1) triple_score = pre_trained_kge.triple_score(h=head_entity, r=relation, t=tail_entity) return f'( {head_entity[0]},{relation[0]}, {tail_entity[0]} )', pd.DataFrame({'Score': triple_score})
[docs] def deploy_triple_prediction(pre_trained_kge, str_subject, str_predicate, str_object): triple_score = pre_trained_kge.triple_score(h=[str_subject], r=[str_predicate], t=[str_object]) return f'( {str_subject}, {str_predicate}, {str_object} )', pd.DataFrame({'Score': triple_score})
[docs] def deploy_tail_entity_prediction(pre_trained_kge, str_subject, str_predicate, top_k): if == 'Shallom': print('Tail entity prediction is not available for Shallom') raise NotImplementedError str_entity_scores = pre_trained_kge.predict_topk(h=[str_subject], r=[str_predicate], topk=top_k) return f'( {str_subject}, {str_predicate}, ? )', pd.DataFrame(str_entity_scores,columns=["entity","score"])
[docs] def deploy_head_entity_prediction(pre_trained_kge, str_object, str_predicate, top_k): if == 'Shallom': print('Head entity prediction is not available for Shallom') raise NotImplementedError str_entity_scores = pre_trained_kge.predict_topk(t=[str_object], r=[str_predicate], topk=top_k) return f'( ?, {str_predicate}, {str_object} )', pd.DataFrame(str_entity_scores,columns=["entity","score"])
[docs] def deploy_relation_prediction(pre_trained_kge, str_subject, str_object, top_k): str_relation_scores = pre_trained_kge.predict_topk(h=[str_subject], t=[str_object], topk=top_k) return f'( {str_subject}, ?, {str_object} )', pd.DataFrame(str_relation_scores,columns=["relation","score"])
[docs] @timeit def vocab_to_parquet(vocab_to_idx, name, path_for_serialization, print_into): # @TODO: This function should take any DASK/Pandas DataFrame or Series. print(print_into) vocab_to_idx.to_parquet(path_for_serialization + f'/{name}', compression='gzip', engine='pyarrow') print('Done !\n')
[docs] def create_experiment_folder(folder_name='Experiments'): directory = os.getcwd() + "/" + folder_name + "/" # folder_name = str( folder_name = str(":", "-") # path_of_folder = directory + folder_name path_of_folder = os.path.join(directory, folder_name) os.makedirs(path_of_folder) return path_of_folder
[docs] def continual_training_setup_executor(executor) -> None: """ storage_path:str A path leading to a parent directory, where a subdirectory containing KGE related data full_storage_path:str A path leading to a subdirectory containing KGE related data """ if executor.is_continual_training: # (4.1) If it is continual, then store new models on previous path. executor.storage_path = executor.args.full_storage_path else: # Create a single directory containing KGE and all related data if executor.args.path_to_store_single_run: os.makedirs(executor.args.path_to_store_single_run, exist_ok=True) executor.args.full_storage_path = executor.args.path_to_store_single_run else: # Create a parent and subdirectory. executor.args.full_storage_path = create_experiment_folder(folder_name=executor.args.storage_path) executor.storage_path = executor.args.full_storage_path with open(executor.args.full_storage_path + '/configuration.json', 'w') as file_descriptor: temp = vars(executor.args) json.dump(temp, file_descriptor, indent=3)
[docs] def exponential_function(x: np.ndarray, lam: float, ascending_order=True) -> torch.FloatTensor: # A sequence in exponentially decreasing order result = np.exp(-lam * x) / np.sum(np.exp(-lam * x)) assert 0.999 < sum(result) < 1.0001 result = np.flip(result) if ascending_order else result return torch.tensor(result.tolist())
[docs] @timeit def load_numpy(path) -> np.ndarray: print('Loading indexed training data...', end='') with open(path, 'rb') as f: data = np.load(f) return data
[docs] def evaluate(entity_to_idx, scores, easy_answers, hard_answers): """ # @TODO: CD: Renamed this function Evaluate multi hop query answering on different query types """ # Calculate MRR considering the hard and easy answers total_mrr = 0 total_h1 = 0 total_h3 = 0 total_h10 = 0 num_queries = len(scores) # @TODO: Dictionary keys do not need to be in order, zip(entity_to_idx.keys(), entity_score) is not a viable solution # @TODO: Although it is working # @TODO: Use pytorch to obtain the entities sorted in the descending order of scores for query, entity_score in scores.items(): entity_scores = [(ei, s) for ei, s in zip(entity_to_idx.keys(), entity_score)] entity_scores = sorted(entity_scores, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # Extract corresponding easy and hard answers easy_ans = easy_answers[query] hard_ans = hard_answers[query] easy_answer_indices = [idx for idx, (entity, _) in enumerate(entity_scores) if entity in easy_ans] hard_answer_indices = [idx for idx, (entity, _) in enumerate(entity_scores) if entity in hard_ans] answer_indices = easy_answer_indices + hard_answer_indices cur_ranking = np.array(answer_indices) # Sort by position in the ranking; indices for (easy + hard) answers cur_ranking, indices = np.sort(cur_ranking), np.argsort(cur_ranking) num_easy = len(easy_ans) num_hard = len(hard_ans) # Indices with hard answers only masks = indices >= num_easy # Reduce ranking for each answer entity by the amount of (easy+hard) answers appearing before it answer_list = np.arange(num_hard + num_easy, dtype=float) cur_ranking = cur_ranking - answer_list + 1 # Only take indices that belong to the hard answers cur_ranking = cur_ranking[masks] # print(cur_ranking) mrr = np.mean(1.0 / cur_ranking) h1 = np.mean((cur_ranking <= 1).astype(float)) h3 = np.mean((cur_ranking <= 3).astype(float)) h10 = np.mean((cur_ranking <= 10).astype(float)) total_mrr += mrr total_h1 += h1 total_h3 += h3 total_h10 += h10 # average for all queries of a type avg_mrr = total_mrr / num_queries avg_h1 = total_h1 / num_queries avg_h3 = total_h3 / num_queries avg_h10 = total_h10 / num_queries return avg_mrr, avg_h1, avg_h3, avg_h10
[docs] def download_file(url, destination_folder="."): response = requests.get(url, stream=True) # lazy import from urllib.parse import urlparse if response.status_code == 200: filename = os.path.join(destination_folder, os.path.basename(urlparse(url).path)) with open(filename, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: file.write(chunk) print(f"Downloaded: {filename}") else: print(f"Failed to download: {url}")
[docs] def download_files_from_url(base_url:str, destination_folder=".")->None: """ Parameters ---------- base_url: e.g. "" destination_folder: e.g. "KINSHIP-Keci-dim128-epoch256-KvsAll" Returns ------- """ # lazy import try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ModuleNotFoundError: print("Please install the 'beautifulsoup4' package by running: pip install beautifulsoup4") raise response = requests.get(base_url) if response.status_code == 200: soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # Find the table with id "list" table = soup.find('table', {'id': 'list'}) # Extract all hrefs under the table hrefs = [a['href'] for a in table.find_all('a', href=True)] # To remove '?C=N&O=A', '?C=N&O=D', '?C=S&O=A', '?C=S&O=D', '?C=M&O=A', '?C=M&O=D', '../' hrefs = [i for i in hrefs if len(i) > 3 and "." in i] for file_url in hrefs: download_file(base_url + "/" + file_url, destination_folder) else: print("ERROR:", response.status_code)
[docs] def download_pretrained_model(url: str) -> str: assert url[-1] != "/" dir_name = url[url.rfind("/") + 1:] url_to_download_from = f"{dir_name}" if os.path.exists(dir_name): print("Path exists", dir_name) else: os.mkdir(dir_name) download_files_from_url(url_to_download_from, destination_folder=dir_name) return dir_name