Source code for dicee.query_generator

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import random
import os
import pickle
from copy import deepcopy
from .static_funcs import save_pickle, load_pickle

[docs] class QueryGenerator: def __init__(self, train_path, val_path: str, test_path: str, ent2id: Dict = None, rel2id: Dict = None, seed: int = 1, gen_valid: bool = False, gen_test: bool = True): self.train_path = train_path self.val_path = val_path self.test_path = test_path self.gen_valid = gen_valid self.gen_test = gen_test self.seed = seed self.max_ans_num = 1e6 self.mode = str self.ent2id = ent2id self.rel2id: Dict = rel2id self.ent_in: Dict = {} self.ent_out: Dict = {} self.query_name_to_struct = {"1p": ['e', ['r']], "2p": ['e', ['r', 'r']], "3p": ['e', ['r', 'r', 'r']], "2i": [['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']]], # @TODO: double check the evaluation "3i": [['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']]], "pi": [['e', ['r', 'r']], ['e', ['r']]], "ip": [[['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']]], ['r']], "2in": [['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r', 'n']]], "3in": [['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r', 'n']]], "pin": [['e', ['r', 'r']], ['e', ['r', 'n']]], "pni": [['e', ['r', 'r', 'n']], ['e', ['r']]], "inp": [[['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r', 'n']]], ['r']], # union "2u": [['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']], ['u']], "up": [[['e', ['r']], ['e', ['r']], ['u']], ['r']]} self.set_global_seed(seed) # Sanity checking assert isinstance(self.ent2id, dict) or self.ent2id is None assert isinstance(self.rel2id, dict) or self.rel2id is None
[docs] def list2tuple(self, list_data): # @TODO: add description return tuple(self.list2tuple(x) if isinstance(x, list) else x for x in list_data)
[docs] def tuple2list(self, x: Union[List, Tuple]) -> Union[List, Tuple]: """ Convert a nested tuple to a nested list. """ if isinstance(x, tuple): return [self.tuple2list(item) if isinstance(item, tuple) else item for item in x] else: return x
[docs] def set_global_seed(self, seed: int): """Set seed""" np.random.seed(seed) random.seed(seed)
[docs] def construct_graph(self, paths: List[str]) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """ Construct graph from triples Returns dicts with incoming and outgoing edges """ # Mapping from tail entity and a relation to heads. tail_relation_to_heads = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) # Mapping from head and relation to tails. head_relation_to_tails = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) for path in paths: with open(path, "r") as f: for line in f: h, r, t = map(str, line.strip().split("\t")) tail_relation_to_heads[self.ent2id[t]][self.rel2id[r]].add(self.ent2id[h]) head_relation_to_tails[self.ent2id[h]][self.rel2id[r]].add(self.ent2id[t]) self.ent_in = tail_relation_to_heads self.ent_out = head_relation_to_tails return tail_relation_to_heads, head_relation_to_tails
[docs] def fill_query(self, query_structure: List[Union[str, List]], ent_in: Dict, ent_out: Dict, answer: int) -> bool: """ Private method for fill_query logic. """ assert isinstance(query_structure[-1], list) all_relation_flag = True for ele in query_structure[-1]: if ele not in ['r', 'n']: all_relation_flag = False break if all_relation_flag: r = -1 for i in range(len(query_structure[-1]))[::-1]: if query_structure[-1][i] == 'n': query_structure[-1][i] = -2 continue found = False for j in range(40): if len(ent_in[answer].keys()) < 1: return True # not enough relations, return True to indicate broken flag r_tmp = random.sample(ent_in[answer].keys(), 1)[0] if r_tmp // 2 != r // 2 or r_tmp == r: r = r_tmp found = True break if not found: return True query_structure[-1][i] = r answer = random.sample(ent_in[answer][r], 1)[0] if query_structure[0] == 'e': query_structure[0] = answer else: return self.fill_query(query_structure[0], ent_in, ent_out, answer) else: same_structure = defaultdict(list) for i in range(len(query_structure)): same_structure[self.list2tuple(query_structure[i])].append(i) for i in range(len(query_structure)): if len(query_structure[i]) == 1 and query_structure[i][0] == 'u': assert i == len(query_structure) - 1 query_structure[i][0] = -1 continue broken_flag = self.fill_query(query_structure[i], ent_in, ent_out, answer) if broken_flag: return True for structure in same_structure: if len(same_structure[structure]) != 1: structure_set = set() for i in same_structure[structure]: structure_set.add(self.list2tuple(query_structure[i])) if len(structure_set) < len(same_structure[structure]): return True
[docs] def achieve_answer(self, query: List[Union[str, List]], ent_in: Dict, ent_out: Dict) -> set: """ Private method for achieve_answer logic. @TODO: Document the code """ assert isinstance(query[-1], list) all_relation_flag = True for ele in query[-1]: # @TODO: unclear if not isinstance(ele, int) or (ele == -1): all_relation_flag = False break if all_relation_flag: if isinstance(query[0], int): # @TODO: unclear ent_set = set([query[0]]) else: ent_set = self.achieve_answer(query[0], ent_in, ent_out) for i in range(len(query[-1])): if query[-1][i] == -2: ent_set = set(range(len(ent_in))) - ent_set else: ent_set_traverse = set() for ent in ent_set: ent_set_traverse = ent_set_traverse.union(ent_out[ent][query[-1][i]]) ent_set = ent_set_traverse else: ent_set = self.achieve_answer(query[0], ent_in, ent_out) union_flag = False if len(query[-1]) == 1 and query[-1][0] == -1: union_flag = True for i in range(1, len(query)): if not union_flag: ent_set = ent_set.intersection(self.achieve_answer(query[i], ent_in, ent_out)) else: if i == len(query) - 1: continue ent_set = ent_set.union(self.achieve_answer(query[i], ent_in, ent_out)) return ent_set
[docs] def ground_queries(self, query_structure: List[Union[str, List]], ent_in: Dict, ent_out: Dict, small_ent_in: Dict, small_ent_out: Dict, gen_num: int, query_name: str): """Generating queries and achieving answers""" (num_sampled, num_try, num_repeat, num_more_answer, num_broken, num_no_extra_answer, num_no_extra_negative, num_empty) = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 tp_ans_num, fp_ans_num, fn_ans_num = [], [], [] queries = defaultdict(set) tp_answers = defaultdict(set) fp_answers = defaultdict(set) fn_answers = defaultdict(set) # @TODO: Incorrect reasoning: It can enter an infinite loop while num_sampled < gen_num: if num_try == 100_000: break num_try += 1 # @TODO: Why do we need a deep copy here ? query = deepcopy(query_structure) answer = random.sample(list(ent_in.keys()), 1)[0] broken_flag = self.fill_query(query, ent_in, ent_out, answer) if broken_flag: num_broken += 1 continue answer_set = self.achieve_answer(query, ent_in, ent_out) small_answer_set = self.achieve_answer(query, small_ent_in, small_ent_out) if len(answer_set) == 0: num_empty += 1 continue if len(answer_set - small_answer_set) == 0: num_no_extra_answer += 1 continue if 'n' in query_name: if len(small_answer_set - answer_set) == 0: num_no_extra_negative += 1 continue if max(len(answer_set - small_answer_set), len(small_answer_set - answer_set)) > self.max_ans_num: num_more_answer += 1 print(num_more_answer) continue if self.list2tuple(query) in queries[self.list2tuple(query_structure)]: num_repeat += 1 continue queries[self.list2tuple(query_structure)].add(self.list2tuple(query)) tp_answers[self.list2tuple(query)] = small_answer_set fp_answers[self.list2tuple(query)] = small_answer_set - answer_set fn_answers[self.list2tuple(query)] = answer_set - small_answer_set num_sampled += 1 tp_ans_num.append(len(tp_answers[self.list2tuple(query)])) fp_ans_num.append(len(fp_answers[self.list2tuple(query)])) fn_ans_num.append(len(fn_answers[self.list2tuple(query)])) return queries, tp_answers, fp_answers, fn_answers
[docs] def unmap(self, query_type, queries, tp_answers, fp_answers, fn_answers): # Create id2ent dictionary id2ent = {v: k for k, v in self.ent2id.items()} id2rel = {v: k for k, v in self.rel2id.items()} # Unmap queries and create a mapping from ID-based queries to text-based queries unmapped_queries_dict = defaultdict(set) query_id_to_text = {} for query_structure_tuple, query_set in queries.items(): for query in query_set: unmapped_query = self.unmap_query(query_structure_tuple, query, id2ent, id2rel) unmapped_queries_dict[query_structure_tuple].add(unmapped_query) query_id_to_text[query] = unmapped_query easy_answers = defaultdict(set) false_positives = defaultdict(set) hard_answers = defaultdict(set) for query, answer_set in tp_answers.items(): unmapped_answer_set = {id2ent[answer] for answer in answer_set} easy_answers[query_id_to_text[query]] = unmapped_answer_set # Unmap fp_answers and update to false_positives for query, answer_set in fp_answers.items(): unmapped_answer_set = {id2ent[answer] for answer in answer_set} false_positives[query_id_to_text[query]] = unmapped_answer_set # Unmap fn_answers and update to hard_answers for query, answer_set in fn_answers.items(): unmapped_answer_set = {id2ent[answer] for answer in answer_set} hard_answers[query_id_to_text[query]] = unmapped_answer_set return unmapped_queries_dict, easy_answers, false_positives, hard_answers
[docs] def unmap_query(self, query_structure, query, id2ent, id2rel): # 2i if query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0] ent2, (rel2_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] return ((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2,))) # 3i elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0] ent2, (rel2_id,) = query[1] ent3, (rel3_id,) = query[2] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] ent3 = id2ent[ent3] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return ((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2,)), (ent3, (rel3,))) # 1p elif query_structure == ("e", ("r",)): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query ent1 = id2ent[ent1] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] return (ent1, (rel1,)) # 2p elif query_structure == ("e", ("r", "r")): ent1, (rel1_id, rel2_id) = query ent1 = id2ent[ent1] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] return (ent1, (rel1, rel2)) # 3p elif query_structure == ("e", ("r", "r", "r")): ent1, (rel1_id, rel2_id, rel3_id) = query ent1 = id2ent[ent1] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return (ent1, (rel1, rel2, rel3)) # pi elif query_structure == (("e", ("r", "r")), ("e", ("r",))): ent1, (rel1_id, rel2_id) = query[0] ent2, (rel3_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return ((ent1, (rel1, rel2)), (ent2, (rel3,))) # ip elif query_structure == ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",))), ("r",)): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0][0] ent2, (rel2_id,) = query[0][1] (rel3_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return (((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2,))), (rel3,)) # negation # 2in elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0] ent2, (rel2_id, negation) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] return ((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2, "not"))) # 3in elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0] ent2, (rel2_id,) = query[1] ent3, (rel3_id, negation) = query[2] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] ent3 = id2ent[ent3] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return ((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2,)), (ent3, (rel3, "not"))) # pin elif query_structure == (("e", ("r", "r")), ("e", ("r", "n"))): ent1, (rel1_id, rel2_id) = query[0] ent2, (rel3_id, negation) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return ((ent1, (rel1, rel2)), (ent2, (rel3, "not"))) # inp elif query_structure == ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r", "n"))), ("r",)): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0][0] ent2, (rel2_id, negation) = query[0][1] (rel3_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return (((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2, "not"))), (rel3,)) # pni elif query_structure == (("e", ("r", "r", "n")), ("e", ("r",))): ent1, (rel1_id, rel2_id, negation) = query[0] ent2, (rel3_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return ((ent1, (rel1, rel2, "not")), (ent2, (rel3,))) # union # 2u elif query_structure == (("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("u",)): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0] ent2, (rel2_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] return ((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2,)), ("union",)) # up elif query_structure == ((("e", ("r",)), ("e", ("r",)), ("u",)), ("r",)): ent1, (rel1_id,) = query[0][0] ent2, (rel2_id,) = query[0][1] (rel3_id,) = query[1] ent1 = id2ent[ent1] ent2 = id2ent[ent2] rel1 = id2rel[rel1_id] rel2 = id2rel[rel2_id] rel3 = id2rel[rel3_id] return (((ent1, (rel1,)), (ent2, (rel2,)), ("union",)), (rel3,))
[docs] def generate_queries(self, query_struct:List, gen_num: int, query_type: str): """ Passing incoming and outgoing edges to ground queries depending on mode [train valid or text] and getting queries and answers in return @ TODO: create a class for each single query struct """ train_tail_relation_to_heads, train_head_relation_to_tails = self.construct_graph(paths=[self.train_path]) val_tail_relation_to_heads, val_head_relation_to_tails = self.construct_graph( paths=[self.train_path, self.val_path]) # ?! valid_only_ent_in, valid_only_ent_out = self.construct_graph(paths=[self.val_path, self.test_path]) test_tail_relation_to_heads, test_head_relation_to_tails = self.construct_graph( paths=[self.train_path, self.val_path, self.test_path]) # ?! test_only_ent_in, test_only_ent_out = self.construct_graph(paths=[self.test_path]) self.mode = 'test' test_queries, test_tp_answers, test_fp_answers, test_fn_answers = self.ground_queries( query_struct, test_tail_relation_to_heads, test_head_relation_to_tails, val_tail_relation_to_heads, val_head_relation_to_tails, gen_num, query_type) # @TODO: test_queries has keys that are tuple ,e.g. ('e', ('r',)) # Yet, query structure defined as a list ['e', ['r']]. # Fix this inconsistency print( f"General structure is {query_struct} with name {query_type}. Number of queries generated: {len(test_tp_answers)}") return test_queries, test_tp_answers, test_fp_answers, test_fn_answers
[docs] def save_queries(self, query_type: str, gen_num: int, save_path: str): """ """ # Find the index of query_type in query_names try: gen_id = self.query_names.index(query_type) except ValueError: print(f"Invalid query_type: {query_type}") return [] queries, tp_answers, fp_answers, fn_answers = self.generate_queries(self.query_structures[gen_id:gen_id + 1], gen_num, query_type) unmapped_queries, easy_answers, false_positives, hard_answers = self.unmap(query_type, queries, tp_answers, fp_answers, fn_answers) # Save the unmapped queries and answers name_to_save = f'{self.mode}-{query_type}' if not os.path.isdir(save_path): os.makedirs(save_path) # TODO: CD: Deprecate the pickle usage for data serialization. # TODO: CD: yet since this files are small we can get away with them with open(f'{save_path}/{name_to_save}-queries.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(unmapped_queries, f) with open(f'{save_path}/{name_to_save}-easy-answers.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(easy_answers, f) with open(f'{save_path}/{name_to_save}-false-positives.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(false_positives, f) with open(f'{save_path}/{name_to_save}-hard-answers.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(hard_answers, f)
[docs] def load_queries(self, path): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_queries(self, query_type: str, gen_num: int): queries, tp_answers, fp_answers, fn_answers = self.generate_queries(self.query_name_to_struct[query_type], gen_num, query_type) unmapped_queries, easy_answers, false_positives, hard_answers = self.unmap(query_type, queries, tp_answers, fp_answers, fn_answers) return unmapped_queries, easy_answers, false_positives, hard_answers
[docs] @staticmethod def save_queries_and_answers(path: str, data: List[Tuple[str, Tuple[defaultdict]]]) -> None: """ Save Queries into Disk""" save_pickle(file_path=path, data=data)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_queries_and_answers(path: str) -> List[Tuple[str, Tuple[defaultdict]]]: """ Load Queries from Disk to Memory""" print("Loading...") data = load_pickle(file_path=path) assert isinstance(data, list) assert isinstance(data[0], tuple) assert isinstance(data[0][0], str) assert isinstance(data[0][1], tuple) return data