Source code for dicee.models.function_space

from .base_model import BaseKGE
import torch
import numpy as np

[docs] class FMult(BaseKGE): """ Learning Knowledge Neural Graphs""" """ Learning Neural Networks for Knowledge Graphs""" def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) = 'FMult' self.entity_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim) self.relation_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_relations, self.embedding_dim) self.param_init(, self.param_init( self.k = int(np.sqrt(self.embedding_dim // 2)) self.num_sample = 50 # self.gamma = torch.rand(self.k, self.num_sample) [0,1) uniform=> worse results self.gamma = torch.randn(self.k, self.num_sample) # N(0,1) # Lazy import from scipy.special import roots_legendre roots, weights = roots_legendre(self.num_sample) self.roots = torch.from_numpy(roots).repeat(self.k, 1).float() # shape self.k by self.n self.weights = torch.from_numpy(weights).reshape(1, -1).float() # shape 1 by self.n
[docs] def compute_func(self, weights: torch.FloatTensor, x) -> torch.FloatTensor: n = len(weights) # Weights for two linear layers. w1, w2 = torch.hsplit(weights, 2) # (1) Construct two-layered neural network w1 = w1.view(n, self.k, self.k) w2 = w2.view(n, self.k, self.k) # (2) Forward Pass out1 = torch.tanh(w1 @ x) # torch.sigmoid => worse results out2 = w2 @ out1 return out2 # no non-linearity => better results
[docs] def chain_func(self, weights, x: torch.FloatTensor): n = len(weights) # Weights for two linear layers. w1, w2 = torch.hsplit(weights, 2) # (1) Construct two-layered neural network w1 = w1.view(n, self.k, self.k) w2 = w2.view(n, self.k, self.k) # (2) Perform the forward pass out1 = torch.tanh(torch.bmm(w1, x)) out2 = torch.bmm(w2, out1) return out2
[docs] def forward_triples(self, idx_triple: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings: batch, \mathbb R^d head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(idx_triple) # (2) Compute NNs on \Gamma # Logits via FDistMult... # h_x = self.compute_func(head_ent_emb, x=self.gamma) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| # r_x = self.compute_func(rel_ent_emb, x=self.gamma) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| # t_x = self.compute_func(tail_ent_emb, x=self.gamma) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| # out = h_x * r_x * t_x # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |gamma| # (2) Compute NNs on \Gamma h_x = self.compute_func(head_ent_emb, x=self.gamma) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| t_x = self.compute_func(tail_ent_emb, x=self.gamma) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| r_h_x = self.chain_func(weights=rel_ent_emb, x=h_x) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| # (3) Compute |\Gamma| predictions out = torch.sum(r_h_x * t_x, dim=1) # batch, |gamma| # # (4) Average (3) over \Gamma out = torch.mean(out, dim=1) # batch return out
[docs] class GFMult(BaseKGE): """ Learning Knowledge Neural Graphs""" """ Learning Neural Networks for Knowledge Graphs""" def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) = 'GFMult' self.entity_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim) self.relation_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_relations, self.embedding_dim) self.param_init(, self.param_init( self.k = int(np.sqrt(self.embedding_dim // 2)) self.num_sample = 250 # Lazy import from scipy.special import roots_legendre roots, weights = roots_legendre(self.num_sample) self.roots = torch.from_numpy(roots).repeat(self.k, 1).float() # shape self.k by self.n self.weights = torch.from_numpy(weights).reshape(1, -1).float() # shape 1 by self.n
[docs] def compute_func(self, weights: torch.FloatTensor, x) -> torch.FloatTensor: n = len(weights) # Weights for two linear layers. w1, w2 = torch.hsplit(weights, 2) # (1) Construct two-layered neural network w1 = w1.view(n, self.k, self.k) w2 = w2.view(n, self.k, self.k) # (2) Forward Pass out1 = torch.tanh(w1 @ x) # torch.sigmoid => worse results out2 = w2 @ out1 return out2 # no non-linearity => better results
[docs] def chain_func(self, weights, x: torch.FloatTensor): n = len(weights) # Weights for two linear layers. w1, w2 = torch.hsplit(weights, 2) # (1) Construct two-layered neural network w1 = w1.view(n, self.k, self.k) w2 = w2.view(n, self.k, self.k) # (2) Perform the forward pass out1 = torch.tanh(torch.bmm(w1, x)) out2 = torch.bmm(w2, out1) return out2
[docs] def forward_triples(self, idx_triple: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings: batch, \mathbb R^d head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(idx_triple) # (2) Compute NNs on \Gamma h_x = self.compute_func(head_ent_emb, x=self.roots) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| t_x = self.compute_func(tail_ent_emb, x=self.roots) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| r_h_x = self.chain_func(weights=rel_ent_emb, x=h_x) # batch, \mathbb{R}^k, |\Gamma| # (3) Compute |\Gamma| predictions. out = torch.sum(r_h_x * t_x, dim=1)*self.weights # batch, |gamma| # # (4) Average (3) over \Gamma out = torch.mean(out, dim=1) # batch return out
[docs] class FMult2(BaseKGE): """ Learning Knowledge Neural Graphs""" """ Learning Neural Networks for Knowledge Graphs""" def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) = 'FMult2' self.n_layers = 3 tuned_embedding_dim = False while int(np.sqrt((self.embedding_dim - 1) / self.n_layers)) != np.sqrt( (self.embedding_dim - 1) / self.n_layers): self.embedding_dim += 1 tuned_embedding_dim = True if tuned_embedding_dim: print(f"\n\n*****Embedding dimension reset to {self.embedding_dim} to fit model architecture!*****\n") self.k = int(np.sqrt((self.embedding_dim - 1) // self.n_layers)) self.n = 50 self.a, self.b = -1.0, 1.0 # self.score_func = "vtp" # "vector triple product" # self.score_func = "trilinear" self.score_func = "compositional" # self.score_func = "full-compositional" # self.discrete_points = torch.linspace(self.a, self.b, steps=self.n) self.discrete_points = torch.linspace(self.a, self.b, steps=self.n).repeat(self.k, 1) self.entity_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim) self.relation_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_relations, self.embedding_dim) self.param_init(, self.param_init(
[docs] def build_func(self, Vec): n = len(Vec) # (1) Construct self.n_layers layered neural network W = list(torch.hsplit(Vec[:, :-1], self.n_layers)) # (2) Reshape weights of the layers for i, w in enumerate(W): W[i] = w.reshape(n, self.k, self.k) return W, Vec[:, -1]
[docs] def build_chain_funcs(self, list_Vec): list_W = [] list_b = [] for Vec in list_Vec: W_, b = self.build_func(Vec) list_W.append(W_) list_b.append(b) W = list_W[-1][1:] for i in range(len(list_W) - 1): for j, w in enumerate(list_W[i]): if i == 0 and j == 0: W_temp = w else: W_temp = w @ W_temp W_temp = W_temp + list_b[i].reshape(-1, 1, 1) W_temp = list_W[-1][0] @ W_temp / ((len(list_Vec) - 1) * w.shape[1]) W.insert(0, W_temp) return W, list_b[-1]
[docs] def compute_func(self, W, b, x) -> torch.FloatTensor: out = W[0] @ x for i, w in enumerate(W[1:]): if i % 2 == 0: # no non-linearity => better results out = out + torch.tanh(w @ out) else: out = out + w @ out return out + b.reshape(-1, 1, 1)
[docs] def function(self, list_W, list_b): def f(x): if len(list_W) == 1: return self.compute_func(list_W[0], list_b[0], x) score = self.compute_func(list_W[0], list_b[0], x) for W, b in zip(list_W[1:], list_b[1:]): score = score * self.compute_func(W, b, x) return score return f
[docs] def trapezoid(self, list_W, list_b): return torch.trapezoid(self.function(list_W, list_b)(self.discrete_points), x=self.discrete_points, dim=-1).sum( dim=-1)
[docs] def forward_triples(self, idx_triple: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings: batch, \mathbb R^d head_ent_emb, rel_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(idx_triple) if self.discrete_points.device != head_ent_emb.device: self.discrete_points = if self.score_func == "vtp": h_W, h_b = self.build_func(head_ent_emb) r_W, r_b = self.build_func(rel_emb) t_W, t_b = self.build_func(tail_ent_emb) out = -self.trapezoid([t_W], [t_b]) * self.trapezoid([h_W, r_W], [h_b, r_b]) + self.trapezoid([r_W], [ r_b]) * self.trapezoid([t_W, h_W], [t_b, h_b]) elif self.score_func == "compositional": t_W, t_b = self.build_func(tail_ent_emb) chain_W, chain_b = self.build_chain_funcs([head_ent_emb, rel_emb]) out = self.trapezoid([chain_W, t_W], [chain_b, t_b]) elif self.score_func == "full-compositional": chain_W, chain_b = self.build_chain_funcs([head_ent_emb, rel_emb, tail_ent_emb]) out = self.trapezoid([chain_W], [chain_b]) elif self.score_func == "trilinear": h_W, h_b = self.build_func(head_ent_emb) r_W, r_b = self.build_func(rel_emb) t_W, t_b = self.build_func(tail_ent_emb) out = self.trapezoid([h_W, r_W, t_W], [h_b, r_b, t_b]) return out
[docs] class LFMult1(BaseKGE): '''Embedding with trigonometric functions. We represent all entities and relations in the complex number space as: f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{k=d-1}wk e^{kix}. and use the three differents scoring function as in the paper to evaluate the score''' def __init__(self,args): super().__init__(args) = 'LFMult1' self.entity_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim) self.relation_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_relations, self.embedding_dim)
[docs] def forward_triples(self, idx_triple): # idx_triplet = (h_idx, r_idx, t_idx) #change this to the forward_triples head_ent_emb, rel_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(idx_triple) score = self.vtp_score(head_ent_emb,rel_emb,tail_ent_emb) return score
[docs] def tri_score(self,h,r,t): i_range, j_range, k_range = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(self.embedding_dim),torch.arange(self.embedding_dim),torch.arange(self.embedding_dim)) eps = 10**-6 #for stability reason cond = i_range + j_range == k_range s1 = torch.sum(torch.where(~cond, torch.zeros_like(~cond), h[:, i_range] * r[:, j_range] * t[:, k_range]),dim=(-3,-2,-1)) # sum on i+j = k s2 = torch.sum(torch.where(cond, torch.zeros_like(cond), torch.sin(i_range + j_range - k_range) \ * h[:, i_range] * r[:, j_range] * t[:, k_range] /(eps+i_range + j_range - k_range)),dim=(-3,-2,-1))# sum on i+j != k s = s1 + s2 # combine the two sums. return s
[docs] def vtp_score(self,h,r,t): i_range, j_range = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(self.embedding_dim),torch.arange(self.embedding_dim)) eps = 10**-6 #for stability reason cond = i_range == j_range p1 = torch.sum(torch.where(cond, torch.zeros_like(cond), torch.sin(i_range - j_range) \ * h[:, i_range] * t[:, j_range] /(eps+i_range - j_range)),dim=(-3,-2,-1)) \ + torch.sum(h[:, i_range] * t[:, i_range],dim=(-3,-2,-1))# sum on i != j i_1 = torch.arange(1,self.embedding_dim) p2 = torch.sum(r[:, i_1] * torch.sin(i_1)/(i_1) ,dim=-1) + r[:,0] s1 = p1*p2 p3 = torch.sum(torch.where(cond, torch.zeros_like(cond), torch.sin(i_range - j_range) \ * r[:, i_range] * t[:, j_range] /(eps+i_range - j_range)),dim=(-3,-2,-1)) \ + torch.sum(r[:, i_range] * t[:, i_range],dim=(-3,-2,-1))# sum on i != j p4 = torch.sum(h[:, i_1] * torch.sin(i_1)/(i_1) ,dim=-1) + h[:,0] s2 = p3*p4 s = s1 - s2 # combine the two sums. return s
[docs] class LFMult(BaseKGE): '''Embedding with polynomial functions. We represent all entities and relations in the polynomial space as: f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} a_k x^{i%d} and use the three differents scoring function as in the paper to evaluate the score. We also consider combining with Neural Networks.''' def __init__(self,args): super().__init__(args) = 'LFMult' self.entity_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_entities, self.embedding_dim) self.relation_embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_relations, self.embedding_dim) = self.args.get("degree",0) self.m = int(self.embedding_dim/( self.x_values = torch.linspace(0, 1, 100)
[docs] def forward_triples(self, idx_triple): # idx_triplet = (h_idx, r_idx, t_idx) #change this to the forward_triples head_ent_emb, rel_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(idx_triple) coeff_head, coeff_rel, coeff_tail = self.construct_multi_coeff(head_ent_emb), self.construct_multi_coeff(rel_emb), self.construct_multi_coeff(tail_ent_emb) ###### polynomial score with trilinear scoring # score = self.tri_score(coeff_head,coeff_rel,coeff_tail) # score = score.reshape(-1,self.m).sum(dim=1) ##### polynomial score with NN score = torch.trapezoid(self.poly_NN(self.x_values,coeff_head, coeff_rel, coeff_tail),self.x_values) # score = integral_value.reshape(1,-1).squeeze(0) return score
[docs] def construct_multi_coeff(self, x): coeffs = torch.hsplit(x, + 1) coeffs = torch.stack(coeffs,dim=1) return coeffs.transpose(1,2)
[docs] def poly_NN(self, x, coefh, coefr, coeft): ''' Constructing a 2 layers NN to represent the embeddings. h = \sigma(wh^T x + bh ), r = \sigma(wr^T x + br ), t = \sigma(wt^T x + bt )''' wh, bh = coefh[:, :self.m,0], coefh[:, :self.m,1] wr, br = coefr[:, :self.m,0], coefr[:, :self.m,1] wt, bt = coeft[:, :self.m,0], coeft[:, :self.m,1] h_emb = self.linear(x,wh,bh).reshape(-1,self.m,x.size(0)) r_emb = self.linear(x,wr,br).reshape(-1,self.m,x.size(0)) t_emb = self.linear(x,wt,bt).reshape(-1,self.m,x.size(0)) return self.scalar_batch_NN(h_emb, r_emb, t_emb)#(linear(x,wh,bh)*linear(x,wr,br)*linear(x,wt,bt))
[docs] def linear(self,x,w,b): return torch.tanh((w.reshape(-1,1)*x.unsqueeze(0) + b.reshape(-1,1)))
[docs] def scalar_batch_NN(self, a, b, c): '''element wise multiplication between a,b and c: Inputs : a, b, c ====> torch.tensor of size batch_size x m x d Output : a tensor of size batch_size x d''' a_reshaped = a.transpose(1, 2).reshape(-1, a.size(-1), a.size(-2)) b_reshaped = b.transpose(1, 2).reshape(-1, b.size(-1), b.size(-2)) c_reshaped = c.transpose(1, 2).reshape(-1, c.size(-1), c.size(-2)) mul_result = a_reshaped * b_reshaped * c_reshaped return mul_result.sum(dim=-1)
[docs] def tri_score(self, coeff_h, coeff_r, coeff_t): '''this part implement the trilinear scoring techniques: score(h,r,t) = \int_{0}{1} h(x)r(x)t(x) dx = \sum_{i,j,k = 0}^{d-1} \dfrac{a_i*b_j*c_k}{1+(i+j+k)%d} 1. generate the range for i,j and k from [0 d-1] 2. perform \dfrac{a_i*b_j*c_k}{1+(i+j+k)%d} in parallel for every batch 3. take the sum over each batch ''' i_range, j_range, k_range = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(,torch.arange(,torch.arange( if == 0: terms = 1 / (1 + i_range + j_range + k_range) else: terms = 1 / (1 + (i_range + j_range + k_range) weighted_terms = terms.unsqueeze(0)*coeff_h.reshape(-1, 1,, 1) *coeff_r.reshape(-1,, 1, 1) * coeff_t.reshape(-1, 1, 1, result = torch.sum(weighted_terms, dim=[-3,-2,-1]) return result
[docs] def vtp_score(self, h, r, t): '''this part implement the vector triple product scoring techniques: score(h,r,t) = \int_{0}{1} h(x)r(x)t(x) dx = \sum_{i,j,k = 0}^{d-1} \dfrac{a_i*c_j*b_k - b_i*c_j*a_k}{(1+(i+j)%d)(1+k)} 1. generate the range for i,j and k from [0 d-1] 2. Compute the first and second terms of the sum 3. Multiply with then denominator and take the sum 4. take the sum over each batch ''' i_range, j_range, k_range = torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(self.embedding_dim),torch.arange(self.embedding_dim),torch.arange(self.embedding_dim)) # terms = 1 / (1 + (i_range + j_range)%self.embedding_dim) / (1+ k_range) # with modulo terms = 1 / (1 + i_range + j_range) / (1+ k_range) #without dthe modulo terms1 = h.view(-1, 1, self.embedding_dim, 1) * t.view(-1, self.embedding_dim, 1, 1) * r.view(-1, 1, 1,self.embedding_dim) terms2 = r.view(-1, 1, self.embedding_dim, 1) * t.view(-1, self.embedding_dim, 1, 1) * h.view(-1, 1, 1,self.embedding_dim) weighted_terms = terms * (terms1-terms2) result = torch.sum(weighted_terms, dim=[-3,-2,-1]) return result
[docs] def comp_func(self,h,r,t): '''this part implement the function composition scoring techniques: i.e. score = <hor, t>''' degree = torch.arange(self.embedding_dim, dtype=torch.float32) r_emb = self.polynomial(r,self.x_values,degree) t_emb = self.polynomial(t,self.x_values,degree) hor = self.pop(h,r_emb,degree) score = torch.trapz(hor*t_emb , self.x_values) #Computing the score with the trapezoid method return score
[docs] def polynomial(self,coeff,x,degree): '''This function takes a matrix tensor of coefficients (coeff), a tensor vector of points x and range of integer [0,1,...d] and return a vector tensor (coeff[0][0] + coeff[0][1]x +...+ coeff[0][d]x^d, coeff[1][0] + coeff[1][1]x +...+ coeff[1][d]x^d) ....''' x_powers = x.unsqueeze(1) ** degree vect = torch.matmul(coeff,x_powers.T) return vect
[docs] def pop(self,coeff,x,degree): '''This function allow us to evaluate the composition of two polynomes without for loops :) it takes a matrix tensor of coefficients (coeff), a matrix tensor of points x and range of integer [0,1,...d] and return a tensor (coeff[0][0] + coeff[0][1]x +...+ coeff[0][d]x^d, coeff[1][0] + coeff[1][1]x +...+ coeff[1][d]x^d) ....''' x_powers = x.unsqueeze(2) ** degree Mat = (coeff.unsqueeze(1)*x_powers).sum(dim=-1) return Mat