Source code for dicee.models.complex

from typing import Tuple
import torch
from .base_model import BaseKGE

[docs] class ConEx(BaseKGE): """ Convolutional ComplEx Knowledge Graph Embeddings""" def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) = 'ConEx' # Convolution self.conv2d = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=self.num_of_output_channels, kernel_size=(self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size), stride=1, padding=1, bias=True) self.fc_num_input = self.embedding_dim * 2 * self.num_of_output_channels self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(self.fc_num_input, self.embedding_dim) # Hard compression. self.norm_fc1 = self.normalizer_class(self.embedding_dim) self.bn_conv2d = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(self.num_of_output_channels) self.feature_map_dropout = torch.nn.Dropout2d(self.feature_map_dropout_rate)
[docs] def residual_convolution(self, C_1: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], C_2: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Compute residual score of two complex-valued embeddings. :param C_1: a tuple of two pytorch tensors that corresponds complex-valued embeddings :param C_2: a tuple of two pytorch tensors that corresponds complex-valued embeddings :return: """ emb_ent_real, emb_ent_imag_i = C_1 emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag_i = C_2 # Think of x a n image of two complex numbers. x =[emb_ent_real.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2), emb_ent_imag_i.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2), emb_rel_real.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2), emb_rel_imag_i.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2)], 2) x = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.bn_conv2d(self.conv2d(x))) x = self.feature_map_dropout(x) x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1) # reshape for NN. x = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.norm_fc1(self.fc1(x))) return torch.chunk(x, 2, dim=1)
[docs] def forward_k_vs_all(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb = self.get_head_relation_representation(x) # (2) Split (1) into real and imaginary parts. emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) # (2) Apply convolution operation on (1). C_3 = self.residual_convolution(C_1=(emb_head_real, emb_head_imag), C_2=(emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag)) a, b = C_3 emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.hsplit(self.entity_embeddings.weight, 2) emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = emb_tail_real.transpose(1, 0), emb_tail_imag.transpose(1, 0) # (4) real_real_real = * emb_head_real * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_real) real_imag_imag = * emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_imag) imag_real_imag = * emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_imag) imag_imag_real = * emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_real) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real
[docs] def forward_triples(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(x) # (2) Split (1) into real and imaginary parts. emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.hsplit(tail_ent_emb, 2) # (2) Apply convolution operation on (1). C_3 = self.residual_convolution(C_1=(emb_head_real, emb_head_imag), C_2=(emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag)) a, b = C_3 # (3) Compute hermitian inner product. real_real_real = (a * emb_head_real * emb_rel_real * emb_tail_real).sum(dim=1) real_imag_imag = (a * emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag * emb_tail_imag).sum(dim=1) imag_real_imag = (b * emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real * emb_tail_imag).sum(dim=1) imag_imag_real = (b * emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag * emb_tail_real).sum(dim=1) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real
[docs] def forward_k_vs_sample(self, x: torch.Tensor, target_entity_idx: torch.Tensor): # @OTOD: Double check later. # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb = self.get_head_relation_representation(x) # (2) Split (1) into real and imaginary parts. emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) # (3) Apply convolution operation on (2). C_3 = self.residual_convolution(C_1=(emb_head_real, emb_head_imag), C_2=(emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag)) a, b = C_3 # (batch size, num. selected entity, dimension) # tail_entity_emb = self.normalize_tail_entity_embeddings(self.entity_embeddings(target_entity_idx)) tail_entity_emb = self.entity_embeddings(target_entity_idx) # complex vectors emb_tail_real, emb_tail_i = torch.tensor_split(tail_entity_emb, 2, dim=2) emb_tail_real = emb_tail_real.transpose(1, 2) emb_tail_i = emb_tail_i.transpose(1, 2) real_real_real = torch.bmm((a * emb_head_real * emb_rel_real).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_real) real_imag_imag = torch.bmm((a * emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_i) imag_real_imag = torch.bmm((b * emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_i) imag_imag_real = torch.bmm((b * emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_real) score = real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real return score.squeeze(1)
[docs] class AConEx(BaseKGE): """ Additive Convolutional ComplEx Knowledge Graph Embeddings """ def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) = 'AConEx' # Convolution self.conv2d = torch.nn.Conv2d(in_channels=1, out_channels=self.num_of_output_channels, kernel_size=(self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size), stride=1, padding=1, bias=True) self.fc_num_input = self.embedding_dim * 2 * self.num_of_output_channels self.fc1 = torch.nn.Linear(self.fc_num_input, self.embedding_dim + self.embedding_dim) # Hard compression. self.norm_fc1 = self.normalizer_class(self.embedding_dim + self.embedding_dim) self.bn_conv2d = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(self.num_of_output_channels) self.feature_map_dropout = torch.nn.Dropout2d(self.feature_map_dropout_rate)
[docs] def residual_convolution(self, C_1: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], C_2: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Compute residual score of two complex-valued embeddings. :param C_1: a tuple of two pytorch tensors that corresponds complex-valued embeddings :param C_2: a tuple of two pytorch tensors that corresponds complex-valued embeddings :return: """ emb_ent_real, emb_ent_imag_i = C_1 emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag_i = C_2 # (N,C,H,W) : A single channel 2D image. x =[emb_ent_real.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2), emb_ent_imag_i.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2), emb_rel_real.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2), emb_rel_imag_i.view(-1, 1, 1, self.embedding_dim // 2)], 2) x = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.bn_conv2d(self.conv2d(x))) x = self.feature_map_dropout(x) x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1) # reshape for NN. x = torch.nn.functional.relu(self.norm_fc1(self.fc1(x))) # return torch.chunk(x, 4, dim=1)
[docs] def forward_k_vs_all(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb = self.get_head_relation_representation(x) # (2) Split (1) into real and imaginary parts. emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) # (3) Apply convolution operation on (1). C_3 = self.residual_convolution(C_1=(emb_head_real, emb_head_imag), C_2=(emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag)) a, b, c, d = C_3 # (4) Retrieve tail entity embeddings. emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.hsplit(self.entity_embeddings.weight, 2) # (5) Transpose (4). emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = emb_tail_real.transpose(1, 0), emb_tail_imag.transpose(1, 0) # (6) Hermitian inner product with additive Conv2D connection. real_real_real = + emb_head_real * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_real) real_imag_imag = + emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_imag) imag_real_imag = + emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_imag) imag_imag_real = + emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_real) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real
[docs] def forward_triples(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb, tail_ent_emb = self.get_triple_representation(x) # (2) Split (1) into real and imaginary parts. emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.hsplit(tail_ent_emb, 2) # (2) Apply convolution operation on (1). C_3 = self.residual_convolution(C_1=(emb_head_real, emb_head_imag), C_2=(emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag)) a, b, c, d = C_3 # (3) Hermitian inner product with additive Conv2D connection. real_real_real = (a + emb_head_real * emb_rel_real * emb_tail_real).sum(dim=1) real_imag_imag = (b + emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag * emb_tail_imag).sum(dim=1) imag_real_imag = (c + emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real * emb_tail_imag).sum(dim=1) imag_imag_real = (d + emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag * emb_tail_real).sum(dim=1) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real
[docs] def forward_k_vs_sample(self, x: torch.Tensor, target_entity_idx: torch.Tensor): # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb = self.get_head_relation_representation(x) # (2) Split (1) into real and imaginary parts. emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) # (3) Apply convolution operation on (2). C_3 = self.residual_convolution(C_1=(emb_head_real, emb_head_imag), C_2=(emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag)) a, b, c, d = C_3 # (4) Retrieve selected tail entity embeddings tail_entity_emb = self.normalize_tail_entity_embeddings(self.entity_embeddings(target_entity_idx)) # (5) Split (4) into real and imaginary parts. emb_tail_real, emb_tail_i = torch.tensor_split(tail_entity_emb, 2, dim=2) # (6) Transpose (5) emb_tail_real = emb_tail_real.transpose(1, 2) emb_tail_i = emb_tail_i.transpose(1, 2) # (7) Hermitian inner product with additive Conv2D connection # (7.1) Elementwise multiply (2) according to the Hermitian Inner Product order # (7.2) Additive connection: Add (3) into (7.1) # (7.3) Batch matrix multiplication (7.2) and tail entity embeddings. # # input.shape (N, 1, D), mat2.shape (N,D,1) real_real_real = torch.bmm((a + emb_head_real * emb_rel_real).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_real) real_imag_imag = torch.bmm((b + emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_i) imag_real_imag = torch.bmm((c + emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_i) imag_imag_real = torch.bmm((d + emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag).unsqueeze(1), emb_tail_real) score = real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real # (N,1,1) => (N,1). return score.squeeze(1)
[docs] class ComplEx(BaseKGE): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) = 'ComplEx'
[docs] @staticmethod def score(head_ent_emb: torch.FloatTensor, rel_ent_emb: torch.FloatTensor, tail_ent_emb: torch.FloatTensor): emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(head_ent_emb, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(rel_ent_emb, 2) emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.hsplit(tail_ent_emb, 2) # (3) Compute hermitian inner product. real_real_real = (emb_head_real * emb_rel_real * emb_tail_real).sum(dim=1) real_imag_imag = (emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag * emb_tail_imag).sum(dim=1) imag_real_imag = (emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real * emb_tail_imag).sum(dim=1) imag_imag_real = (emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag * emb_tail_real).sum(dim=1) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real
[docs] @staticmethod def k_vs_all_score(emb_h: torch.FloatTensor, emb_r: torch.FloatTensor, emb_E: torch.FloatTensor): """ Parameters ---------- emb_h emb_r emb_E Returns ------- """ emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(emb_h, 2) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(emb_r, 2) # (3) Transpose Entity embedding matrix to perform matrix multiplications in Hermitian Product. emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.hsplit(emb_E, 2) emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = emb_tail_real.transpose(1, 0), emb_tail_imag.transpose(1, 0) # (4) Compute hermitian inner product on embedding vectors. real_real_real = * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_real) real_imag_imag = * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_imag) imag_real_imag = * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_imag) imag_imag_real = * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_real) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real
[docs] def forward_k_vs_all(self, x: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: # (1) Retrieve embeddings & Apply Dropout & Normalization. head_ent_emb, rel_ent_emb = self.get_head_relation_representation(x) return self.k_vs_all_score(head_ent_emb,rel_ent_emb,self.entity_embeddings.weight)
[docs] def forward_k_vs_sample(self, x: torch.LongTensor, target_entity_idx: torch.LongTensor): # (b,2d), (b,2d) emb_h, emb_r = self.get_head_relation_representation(x) # (b,k,2d) emb_T = self.entity_embeddings(target_entity_idx) # (b,d), (b,d) emb_head_real, emb_head_imag = torch.hsplit(emb_h, 2) # (b,d), (b,d) emb_rel_real, emb_rel_imag = torch.hsplit(emb_r, 2) # (b,k,d), (b,k,d) emb_tail_real, emb_tail_imag = torch.split(emb_T, self.embedding_dim // 2, dim=-1) # Compute hermitian inner product on embedding vectors. real_real_real = torch.einsum("bd, bkd -> bk",emb_head_real * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_real) real_imag_imag = torch.einsum("bd, bkd -> bk",emb_head_real * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_imag) imag_real_imag = torch.einsum("bd, bkd -> bk",emb_head_imag * emb_rel_real, emb_tail_imag) imag_imag_real = torch.einsum("bd, bkd -> bk",emb_head_imag * emb_rel_imag, emb_tail_real) return real_real_real + real_imag_imag + imag_real_imag - imag_imag_real