Source code for dicee.dataset_classes

from numpy import dtype
from import unique
from sympy.stats.rv import probability
from import DataLoader
import numpy as np
import torch
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
from .static_preprocess_funcs import mapping_from_first_two_cols_to_third
from .static_funcs import timeit, load_pickle

[docs] @timeit def reload_dataset(path: str, form_of_labelling, scoring_technique, neg_ratio, label_smoothing_rate): """ Reload the files from disk to construct the Pytorch dataset """ return construct_dataset(train_set=np.load(path + '/train_set.npy'), valid_set=None, test_set=None, entity_to_idx=load_pickle(file_path=path + '/entity_to_idx.p'), relation_to_idx=load_pickle(file_path=path + '/relation_to_idx.p'), form_of_labelling=form_of_labelling, scoring_technique=scoring_technique, neg_ratio=neg_ratio, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate)
[docs] @timeit def construct_dataset(*, train_set: Union[np.ndarray, list], valid_set=None, test_set=None, ordered_bpe_entities=None, train_target_indices=None, target_dim: int = None, entity_to_idx: dict, relation_to_idx: dict, form_of_labelling: str, scoring_technique: str, neg_ratio: int, label_smoothing_rate: float, byte_pair_encoding=None, block_size: int = None ) -> if ordered_bpe_entities and byte_pair_encoding and scoring_technique == 'NegSample': train_set = BPE_NegativeSamplingDataset( train_set=torch.tensor(train_set, dtype=torch.long), ordered_shaped_bpe_entities=torch.tensor( [shaped_bpe_ent for (str_ent, bpe_ent, shaped_bpe_ent) in ordered_bpe_entities]), neg_ratio=neg_ratio) elif ordered_bpe_entities and byte_pair_encoding and scoring_technique in ['KvsAll', "AllvsAll"]: train_set = MultiLabelDataset(train_set=torch.tensor(train_set, dtype=torch.long), train_indices_target=train_target_indices, target_dim=target_dim, torch_ordered_shaped_bpe_entities=torch.tensor( [shaped_bpe_ent for (str_ent, bpe_ent, shaped_bpe_ent) in ordered_bpe_entities])) elif byte_pair_encoding: # Multi-class classification based on transformer model's training. train_set = MultiClassClassificationDataset(train_set, block_size=block_size) elif scoring_technique == 'NegSample': # Binary-class. train_set = TriplePredictionDataset(train_set=train_set, num_entities=len(entity_to_idx), num_relations=len(relation_to_idx), neg_sample_ratio=neg_ratio, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate) elif form_of_labelling == 'EntityPrediction': if scoring_technique == '1vsAll': # Multi-class. train_set = OnevsAllDataset(train_set, entity_idxs=entity_to_idx) elif scoring_technique == '1vsSample': # Dynamic Multi-class train_set = OnevsSample(train_set=train_set, num_entities=len(entity_to_idx), num_relations=len(relation_to_idx), neg_sample_ratio=neg_ratio, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate) elif scoring_technique == 'KvsAll': # Multi-label. train_set = KvsAll(train_set, entity_idxs=entity_to_idx, relation_idxs=relation_to_idx, form=form_of_labelling, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate) elif scoring_technique == 'AllvsAll': # Multi-label imbalanced. train_set = AllvsAll(train_set, entity_idxs=entity_to_idx, relation_idxs=relation_to_idx, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate) elif scoring_technique == 'KvsSample': # Dynamic Multi-label. train_set = KvsSampleDataset(train_set, num_entities=len(entity_to_idx), num_relations=len(relation_to_idx), neg_sample_ratio=neg_ratio, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid scoring technique : {scoring_technique}') elif form_of_labelling == 'RelationPrediction': # Multi-label. train_set = KvsAll(train_set, entity_idxs=entity_to_idx, relation_idxs=relation_to_idx, form=form_of_labelling, label_smoothing_rate=label_smoothing_rate) else: raise KeyError('Illegal input.') return train_set
[docs] class BPE_NegativeSamplingDataset( def __init__(self, train_set: torch.LongTensor, ordered_shaped_bpe_entities: torch.LongTensor, neg_ratio: int): super().__init__() assert isinstance(train_set, torch.LongTensor) assert train_set.shape[1] == 3 self.train_set = train_set self.ordered_bpe_entities = ordered_shaped_bpe_entities self.num_bpe_entities = len(self.ordered_bpe_entities) self.neg_ratio = neg_ratio self.num_datapoints = len(self.train_set)
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.num_datapoints
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.train_set[idx]
[docs] def collate_fn(self, batch_shaped_bpe_triples: List[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]): batch_of_bpe_triples = torch.stack(batch_shaped_bpe_triples, dim=0) size_of_batch, _, token_length = batch_of_bpe_triples.shape bpe_h, bpe_r, bpe_t = batch_of_bpe_triples[:, 0, :], batch_of_bpe_triples[:, 1, :], batch_of_bpe_triples[:, 2, :] label = torch.ones((size_of_batch,)) num_of_corruption = size_of_batch * self.neg_ratio # Select bpe entities corr_bpe_entities = self.ordered_bpe_entities[ torch.randint(0, high=self.num_bpe_entities, size=(num_of_corruption,))] if torch.rand(1) >= 0.5: bpe_h =, corr_bpe_entities), 0) bpe_r =, torch.repeat_interleave(input=bpe_r, repeats=self.neg_ratio, dim=0)), 0) bpe_t =, torch.repeat_interleave(input=bpe_t, repeats=self.neg_ratio, dim=0)), 0) else: bpe_h =, torch.repeat_interleave(input=bpe_h, repeats=self.neg_ratio, dim=0)), 0) bpe_r =, torch.repeat_interleave(input=bpe_r, repeats=self.neg_ratio, dim=0)), 0) bpe_t =, corr_bpe_entities), 0) bpe_triple = torch.stack((bpe_h, bpe_r, bpe_t), dim=1) label =, torch.zeros(num_of_corruption)), 0) return bpe_triple, label
[docs] class MultiLabelDataset( def __init__(self, train_set: torch.LongTensor, train_indices_target: torch.LongTensor, target_dim: int, torch_ordered_shaped_bpe_entities: torch.LongTensor): super().__init__() assert len(train_set) == len(train_indices_target) assert target_dim > 0 self.train_set = train_set self.train_indices_target = train_indices_target self.target_dim = target_dim self.num_datapoints = len(self.train_set) # why needed ?! self.torch_ordered_shaped_bpe_entities = torch_ordered_shaped_bpe_entities self.collate_fn = None
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.num_datapoints
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): # (1) Initialize as all zeros. y_vec = torch.zeros(self.target_dim) # (2) Indices of labels. indices = self.train_indices_target[idx] # (3) Add 1s if holds. if len(indices) > 0: y_vec[indices] = 1.0 return self.train_set[idx], y_vec
[docs] class MultiClassClassificationDataset( """ Dataset for the 1vsALL training strategy Parameters ---------- train_set_idx Indexed triples for the training. entity_idxs mapping. relation_idxs mapping. form ? num_workers int for Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, subword_units: np.ndarray, block_size: int = 8): super().__init__() assert isinstance(subword_units, np.ndarray) assert len(subword_units) > 0 self.train_data = torch.LongTensor(subword_units) self.block_size = block_size self.num_of_data_points = len(self.train_data) - block_size self.collate_fn = None
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.num_of_data_points
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): x = self.train_data[idx:idx + self.block_size] y = self.train_data[idx + 1: idx + 1 + self.block_size] return x, y
[docs] class OnevsAllDataset( """ Dataset for the 1vsALL training strategy Parameters ---------- train_set_idx Indexed triples for the training. entity_idxs mapping. relation_idxs mapping. form ? num_workers int for Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, train_set_idx: np.ndarray, entity_idxs): super().__init__() assert isinstance(train_set_idx, np.ndarray) assert len(train_set_idx) > 0 self.train_data = torch.LongTensor(train_set_idx) self.target_dim = len(entity_idxs) self.collate_fn = None
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.train_data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): y_vec = torch.zeros(self.target_dim) y_vec[self.train_data[idx, 2]] = 1 return self.train_data[idx, :2], y_vec
[docs] class KvsAll( """ Creates a dataset for KvsAll training by inheriting from Let D denote a dataset for KvsAll training and be defined as D:= {(x,y)_i}_i ^N, where x: (h,r) is an unique tuple of an entity h \in E and a relation r \in R that has been seed in the input graph. y: denotes a multi-label vector \in [0,1]^{|E|} is a binary label. \forall y_i =1 s.t. (h r E_i) \in KG .. note:: TODO Parameters ---------- train_set_idx : numpy.ndarray n by 3 array representing n triples entity_idxs : dictonary string representation of an entity to its integer id relation_idxs : dictonary string representation of a relation to its integer id Returns ------- self : See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> a = KvsAll() >>> a ? array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ def __init__(self, train_set_idx: np.ndarray, entity_idxs, relation_idxs, form, store=None, label_smoothing_rate: float = 0.0): super().__init__() assert len(train_set_idx) > 0 assert isinstance(train_set_idx, np.ndarray) self.train_data = None self.train_target = None self.label_smoothing_rate = torch.tensor(label_smoothing_rate) self.collate_fn = None # (1) Create a dictionary of training data pints # Either from tuple of entities or tuple of an entity and a relation if store is None: store = dict() if form == 'RelationPrediction': self.target_dim = len(relation_idxs) for s_idx, p_idx, o_idx in train_set_idx: store.setdefault((s_idx, o_idx), list()).append(p_idx) elif form == 'EntityPrediction': self.target_dim = len(entity_idxs) store = mapping_from_first_two_cols_to_third(train_set_idx) else: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ValueError() assert len(store) > 0 # Keys in store correspond to integer representation (index) of subject and predicate # Values correspond to a list of integer representations of entities. self.train_data = torch.LongTensor(list(store.keys())) if sum([len(i) for i in store.values()]) == len(store): # if each s,p pair contains at most 1 entity self.train_target = np.array(list(store.values())) try: assert isinstance(self.train_target[0], np.ndarray) except IndexError or AssertionError: print(self.train_target) # TODO: Add info exit(1) else: self.train_target = list(store.values()) assert isinstance(self.train_target[0], list) del store
[docs] def __len__(self): assert len(self.train_data) == len(self.train_target) return len(self.train_data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): # 1. Initialize a vector of output. y_vec = torch.zeros(self.target_dim) y_vec[self.train_target[idx]] = 1.0 if self.label_smoothing_rate: y_vec = y_vec * (1 - self.label_smoothing_rate) + (1 / y_vec.size(0)) return self.train_data[idx], y_vec
[docs] class AllvsAll( """ Creates a dataset for AllvsAll training by inheriting from Let D denote a dataset for AllvsAll training and be defined as D:= {(x,y)_i}_i ^N, where x: (h,r) is a possible unique tuple of an entity h \in E and a relation r \in R. Hence N = |E| x |R| y: denotes a multi-label vector \in [0,1]^{|E|} is a binary label. \forall y_i =1 s.t. (h r E_i) \in KG .. note:: AllvsAll extends KvsAll via none existing (h,r). Hence, it adds data points that are labelled without 1s, only with 0s. Parameters ---------- train_set_idx : numpy.ndarray n by 3 array representing n triples entity_idxs : dictonary string representation of an entity to its integer id relation_idxs : dictonary string representation of a relation to its integer id Returns ------- self : See Also -------- Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> a = AllvsAll() >>> a ? array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) """ def __init__(self, train_set_idx: np.ndarray, entity_idxs, relation_idxs, label_smoothing_rate=0.0): super().__init__() assert len(train_set_idx) > 0 assert isinstance(train_set_idx, np.ndarray) self.train_data = None self.train_target = None self.label_smoothing_rate = torch.tensor(label_smoothing_rate) self.collate_fn = None # (1) Create a dictionary of training data pints # Either from tuple of entities or tuple of an entity and a relation self.target_dim = len(entity_idxs) # (h,r) => [t] store = mapping_from_first_two_cols_to_third(train_set_idx) print("Number of unique pairs:", len(store)) for i in range(len(entity_idxs)): for j in range(len(relation_idxs)): if store.get((i, j), None) is None: store[(i, j)] = list() print("Number of unique augmented pairs:", len(store)) assert len(store) > 0 self.train_data = torch.LongTensor(list(store.keys())) if sum([len(i) for i in store.values()]) == len(store): self.train_target = np.array(list(store.values())) assert isinstance(self.train_target[0], np.ndarray) else: self.train_target = list(store.values()) assert isinstance(self.train_target[0], list) del store
[docs] def __len__(self): assert len(self.train_data) == len(self.train_target) return len(self.train_data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): # 1. Initialize a vector of output. y_vec = torch.zeros(self.target_dim) existing_indices = self.train_target[idx] if len(existing_indices) > 0: y_vec[self.train_target[idx]] = 1.0 if self.label_smoothing_rate: y_vec = y_vec * (1 - self.label_smoothing_rate) + (1 / y_vec.size(0)) return self.train_data[idx], y_vec
[docs] class OnevsSample( """ A custom PyTorch Dataset class for knowledge graph embeddings, which includes both positive and negative sampling for a given dataset for multi-class classification problem.. Args: train_set (np.ndarray): A numpy array containing triples of knowledge graph data. Each triple consists of (head_entity, relation, tail_entity). num_entities (int): The number of unique entities in the knowledge graph. num_relations (int): The number of unique relations in the knowledge graph. neg_sample_ratio (int, optional): The number of negative samples to be generated per positive sample. Must be a positive integer and less than num_entities. label_smoothing_rate (float, optional): A label smoothing rate to apply to the positive and negative labels. Defaults to 0.0. Attributes: train_data (torch.Tensor): The input data converted into a PyTorch tensor. num_entities (int): Number of entities in the dataset. num_relations (int): Number of relations in the dataset. neg_sample_ratio (int): Ratio of negative samples to be drawn for each positive sample. label_smoothing_rate (torch.Tensor): The smoothing factor applied to the labels. collate_fn (function, optional): A function that can be used to collate data samples into batches (set to None by default). """ def __init__(self, train_set: np.ndarray, num_entities, num_relations, neg_sample_ratio: int = None, label_smoothing_rate: float = 0.0): super().__init__() # Input validation assert isinstance(train_set, np.ndarray), "train_set must be a numpy array." assert isinstance(neg_sample_ratio, int), "neg_sample_ratio must be an integer." assert isinstance(num_entities, int) and num_entities > 0, "num_entities must be a positive integer." assert isinstance(num_relations, int) and num_relations > 0, "num_relations must be a positive integer." assert neg_sample_ratio < num_entities, ( f"Negative sample ratio {neg_sample_ratio} cannot be larger than the number of entities ({num_entities})." ) assert neg_sample_ratio > 0, f"Negative sample ratio {neg_sample_ratio} must be greater than 0." # Converting the input numpy array to a PyTorch tensor self.train_data = torch.from_numpy(train_set).long() self.num_entities = num_entities self.num_relations = num_relations self.neg_sample_ratio = neg_sample_ratio self.label_smoothing_rate = torch.tensor(label_smoothing_rate) self.collate_fn = None
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns the number of samples in the dataset.""" return len(self.train_data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): """ Retrieves a single data sample from the dataset at the given index. Args: idx (int): The index of the sample to retrieve. Returns: tuple: A tuple consisting of: - x (torch.Tensor): The head and relation part of the triple. - y_idx (torch.Tensor): The concatenated indices of the true object (tail entity) and the indices of the negative samples. - y_vec (torch.Tensor): A vector containing the labels for the positive and negative samples, with label smoothing applied. """ # Retrieve the triple (head, relation, tail) from the training data triple = self.train_data[idx] # Separate the head and relation (x) and the tail entity (y) x = triple[:2] y = triple[-1].unsqueeze(0) # Tail entity # Initialize weights for negative sampling weights = torch.ones(self.num_entities) # Set the weight of the true tail entity to zero weights[y] = 0.0 # Sample negative examples from the entity set negative_idx = torch.multinomial(weights, num_samples=self.neg_sample_ratio, replacement=False) # Concatenate the true tail entity with the negative samples y_idx =, negative_idx), 0).long() # Create a label vector with smoothing for the true and negative examples y_vec = (torch.ones(1) - self.label_smoothing_rate, # Positive label with smoothing torch.zeros(self.neg_sample_ratio) + self.label_smoothing_rate), # Negative labels with smoothing 0) return x, y_idx, y_vec
[docs] class KvsSampleDataset( """ KvsSample a Dataset: D:= {(x,y)_i}_i ^N, where . x:(h,r) is a unique h \in E and a relation r \in R and . y \in [0,1]^{|E|} is a binary label. \forall y_i =1 s.t. (h r E_i) \in KG At each mini-batch construction, we subsample(y), hence n |new_y| << |E| new_y contains all 1's if sum(y)< neg_sample ratio new_y contains Parameters ---------- train_set_idx Indexed triples for the training. entity_idxs mapping. relation_idxs mapping. form ? store ? label_smoothing_rate ? Returns ------- """ def __init__(self, train_set: np.ndarray, num_entities, num_relations, neg_sample_ratio: int = None, label_smoothing_rate: float = 0.0): super().__init__() assert isinstance(train_set, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(neg_sample_ratio, int) self.train_data = train_set self.num_entities = num_entities self.num_relations = num_relations self.neg_sample_ratio = neg_sample_ratio self.label_smoothing_rate = torch.tensor(label_smoothing_rate) self.collate_fn = None assert isinstance(self.neg_sample_ratio,int) assert self.neg_sample_ratio>0 print('Constructing training data...') store = mapping_from_first_two_cols_to_third(train_set) self.train_data = torch.IntTensor(list(store.keys())) # # TLDL; replace Python objects with non-refcounted representations such as Pandas, Numpy or PyArrow objects # Unsure whether a list of numpy arrays are non-refcounted self.train_target = list([np.array(i) for i in store.values()]) del store # @TODO: Investigate reference counts of using list of numpy arrays. # import sys # import gc # print(sys.getrefcount(self.train_target)) # print(sys.getrefcount(self.train_target[0])) # print(gc.get_referrers(self.train_target)) # print(gc.get_referrers(self.train_target[0]))
[docs] def __len__(self): assert len(self.train_data) == len(self.train_target) return len(self.train_data)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): # (1) Get unique (head,relation) pair. x = self.train_data[idx] # (2) Get tail entities given (1). positives_idx = self.train_target[idx] num_positives = len(positives_idx) # (3) Do we need to subsample (2) to create training data points of same size. if num_positives < self.neg_sample_ratio: # (3.1) Take all tail entities as positive examples positives_idx = torch.IntTensor(positives_idx) # (3.2) Generate more negative entities negative_idx = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.num_entities, size=(self.neg_sample_ratio + self.neg_sample_ratio - num_positives,)) else: # (3.1) Subsample positives without replacement. positives_idx = torch.IntTensor(np.random.choice(positives_idx, size=self.neg_sample_ratio, replace=False)) # (3.2) Generate random entities. negative_idx = torch.randint(low=0, high=self.num_entities, size=(self.neg_sample_ratio,)) # (5) Create selected indexes. y_idx =, negative_idx), 0) # (6) Create binary labels. y_vec =, torch.zeros(len(negative_idx))), 0) return x, y_idx, y_vec
[docs] class NegSampleDataset( def __init__(self, train_set: np.ndarray, num_entities: int, num_relations: int, neg_sample_ratio: int = 1): assert isinstance(train_set, np.ndarray) # # TLDL; replace Python objects with non-refcounted representations such as Pandas, Numpy or PyArrow objects self.neg_sample_ratio = torch.tensor( neg_sample_ratio) self.train_set = torch.from_numpy(train_set).unsqueeze(1) self.length = len(self.train_set) self.num_entities = torch.tensor(num_entities) self.num_relations = torch.tensor(num_relations)
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.length
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): # (1) Get a triple. triple = self.train_set[idx] # (2) Sample an entity. corr_entities = torch.randint(0, high=self.num_entities, size=(1,)) # (3) Flip a coin if torch.rand(1) >= 0.5: # (3.1) Corrupt (1) via tai. negative_triple =[:, 0], triple[:, 1], corr_entities), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) else: # (3.1) Corrupt (1) via head. negative_triple =, triple[:, 1], triple[:, 2]), dim=0).unsqueeze(0) # (4) Concat positive and negative triples. x =, negative_triple), dim=0) # (5) Concat labels of (4). y = torch.tensor([1.0, 0.0]) return x, y
[docs] class TriplePredictionDataset( """ Triple Dataset D:= {(x)_i}_i ^N, where . x:(h,r, t) \in KG is a unique h \in E and a relation r \in R and . collact_fn => Generates negative triples collect_fn: \forall (h,r,t) \in G obtain, create negative triples{(h,r,x),(,r,t),(h,m,t)} y:labels are represented in torch.float16 Parameters ---------- train_set_idx Indexed triples for the training. entity_idxs mapping. relation_idxs mapping. form ? store ? label_smoothing_rate collate_fn: batch:List[torch.IntTensor] Returns ------- """ @timeit def __init__(self, train_set: np.ndarray, num_entities: int, num_relations: int, neg_sample_ratio: int = 1, label_smoothing_rate: float = 0.0): assert isinstance(train_set, np.ndarray) # # TLDL; replace Python objects with non-refcounted representations such as Pandas, Numpy or PyArrow objects self.label_smoothing_rate = torch.tensor(label_smoothing_rate) self.neg_sample_ratio = torch.tensor( neg_sample_ratio) # 0 Implies that we do not add negative samples. This is needed during testing and validation self.train_set = torch.from_numpy(train_set) assert num_entities >= max(self.train_set[:, 0]) and num_entities >= max(self.train_set[:, 2]) self.length = len(self.train_set) self.num_entities = torch.tensor(num_entities) self.num_relations = torch.tensor(num_relations)
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.length
[docs] def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.train_set[idx]
[docs] def collate_fn(self, batch: List[torch.Tensor]): batch = torch.stack(batch, dim=0) h, r, t = batch[:, 0], batch[:, 1], batch[:, 2] size_of_batch, _ = batch.shape assert size_of_batch > 0 label = torch.ones((size_of_batch,)) - self.label_smoothing_rate corr_entities = torch.randint(0, high=self.num_entities, size=(size_of_batch * self.neg_sample_ratio,)) if torch.rand(1) >= 0.5: # corrupt head r_head_corr = r.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) t_head_corr = t.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) label_head_corr = torch.zeros(len(t_head_corr)) + self.label_smoothing_rate h =, corr_entities), 0) r =, r_head_corr), 0) t =, t_head_corr), 0) x = torch.stack((h, r, t), dim=1) label =, label_head_corr), 0) else: # corrupt tail h_tail_corr = h.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) r_tail_corr = r.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) label_tail_corr = torch.zeros(len(r_tail_corr)) + self.label_smoothing_rate h =, h_tail_corr), 0) r =, r_tail_corr), 0) t =, corr_entities), 0) x = torch.stack((h, r, t), dim=1) label =, label_tail_corr), 0) """ # corrupt head, tail or rel ?! # (1) Corrupted Entities: corr = torch.randint(0, high=self.num_entities, size=(size_of_batch * self.neg_sample_ratio, 2)) # (2) Head Corrupt: h_head_corr = corr[:, 0] r_head_corr = r.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) t_head_corr = t.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) label_head_corr = torch.zeros(len(t_head_corr)) + self.label_smoothing_rate # (3) Tail Corrupt: h_tail_corr = h.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) r_tail_corr = r.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) t_tail_corr = corr[:, 1] label_tail_corr = torch.zeros(len(t_tail_corr)) + self.label_smoothing_rate # (4) Relations Corrupt: h_rel_corr = h.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) r_rel_corr = torch.randint(0, self.num_relations, (size_of_batch * self.neg_sample_ratio, 1))[:, 0] t_rel_corr = t.repeat(self.neg_sample_ratio, ) label_rel_corr = torch.zeros(len(t_rel_corr)) + self.label_smoothing_rate # (5) Stack True and Corrupted Triples h =, h_head_corr, h_tail_corr, h_rel_corr), 0) r =, r_head_corr, r_tail_corr, r_rel_corr), 0) t =, t_head_corr, t_tail_corr, t_rel_corr), 0) x = torch.stack((h, r, t), dim=1) label =, label_head_corr, label_tail_corr, label_rel_corr), 0) """ return x, label
[docs] class CVDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): """ Create a Dataset for cross validation Parameters ---------- train_set_idx Indexed triples for the training. num_entities entity to index mapping. num_relations relation to index mapping. batch_size int form ? num_workers int for Returns ------- ? """ def __init__(self, train_set_idx: np.ndarray, num_entities, num_relations, neg_sample_ratio, batch_size, num_workers): super().__init__() assert isinstance(train_set_idx, np.ndarray) self.train_set_idx = train_set_idx self.num_entities = num_entities self.num_relations = num_relations self.neg_sample_ratio = neg_sample_ratio self.batch_size = batch_size self.num_workers = num_workers
[docs] def train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader: train_set = TriplePredictionDataset(self.train_set_idx, num_entities=self.num_entities, num_relations=self.num_relations, neg_sample_ratio=self.neg_sample_ratio) return DataLoader(train_set, batch_size=self.batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=self.num_workers, collate_fn=train_set.collate_fn)
[docs] def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def transfer_batch_to_device(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def prepare_data(self, *args, **kwargs): # Nothing to be prepared for now. pass