Source code for dicee.abstracts

import os
import datetime
from .static_funcs import load_model_ensemble, load_model, save_checkpoint_model, load_json, download_pretrained_model
import torch
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import random
from abc import ABC
import lightning

[docs] class AbstractTrainer: """ Abstract class for Trainer class for knowledge graph embedding models Parameter --------- args : str ? callbacks: list ? """ def __init__(self, args, callbacks): self.attributes = args self.callbacks = callbacks self.is_global_zero = True # Set True to use Model summary callback of pl. torch.manual_seed(self.attributes.random_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(self.attributes.random_seed) # To be able to use pl callbacks with our trainers. self.strategy=None
[docs] def on_fit_start(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A function to call callbacks before the training starts. Parameter --------- args kwargs Returns ------- None """ for c in self.callbacks: c.on_fit_start(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_fit_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A function to call callbacks at the ned of the training. Parameter --------- args kwargs Returns ------- None """ for c in self.callbacks: c.on_fit_end(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_train_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A function to call callbacks at the end of an epoch. Parameter --------- args kwargs Returns ------- None """ for c in self.callbacks: c.on_train_epoch_end(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def on_train_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A function to call callbacks at the end of each mini-batch during training. Parameter --------- args kwargs Returns ------- None """ for c in self.callbacks: c.on_train_batch_end(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def save_checkpoint(full_path: str, model) -> None: """ A static function to save a model into disk Parameter --------- full_path : str model: Returns ------- None """, full_path)
[docs] class BaseInteractiveKGE: """ Abstract/base class for using knowledge graph embedding models interactively. Parameter --------- path_of_pretrained_model_dir : str ? construct_ensemble: boolean ? model_name: str apply_semantic_constraint : boolean """ def __init__(self, path: str = None, url: str = None, construct_ensemble: bool = False, model_name: str = None, apply_semantic_constraint: bool = False): if url is not None: assert path is None self.path = download_pretrained_model(url) else: self.path = path try: assert os.path.isdir(self.path) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(f'Could not find a directory {self.path}') # (1) Load model... self.construct_ensemble = construct_ensemble self.apply_semantic_constraint = apply_semantic_constraint self.configs = load_json(self.path + '/configuration.json') self.configs.update(load_json(self.path + '/report.json')) if construct_ensemble: self.model, tuple_of_entity_relation_idx = load_model_ensemble(self.path) else: if model_name: self.model, tuple_of_entity_relation_idx = load_model(self.path, model_name=model_name) else: self.model, tuple_of_entity_relation_idx = load_model(self.path) if self.configs.get("byte_pair_encoding", None): import tiktoken self.enc = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2") self.dummy_id = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2").encode(" ")[0] self.max_length_subword_tokens = self.configs["max_length_subword_tokens"] else: assert len(tuple_of_entity_relation_idx) == 2 self.entity_to_idx, self.relation_to_idx = tuple_of_entity_relation_idx self.num_entities = len(self.entity_to_idx) self.num_relations = len(self.relation_to_idx) self.entity_to_idx: dict self.relation_to_idx: dict # 0, ...., assert sorted(list(self.entity_to_idx.values())) == list(range(0, len(self.entity_to_idx))) assert sorted(list(self.relation_to_idx.values())) == list(range(0, len(self.relation_to_idx))) self.idx_to_entity = {v: k for k, v in self.entity_to_idx.items()} self.idx_to_relations = {v: k for k, v in self.relation_to_idx.items()}
[docs] def get_eval_report(self) -> dict: return load_json(self.path + "/eval_report.json")
[docs] def get_bpe_token_representation(self, str_entity_or_relation: Union[List[str], str]) -> Union[ List[List[int]], List[int]]: """ Parameters ---------- str_entity_or_relation: corresponds to a str or a list of strings to be tokenized via BPE and shaped. Returns ------- A list integer(s) or a list of lists containing integer(s) """ if isinstance(str_entity_or_relation, list): return [self.get_bpe_token_representation(i) for i in str_entity_or_relation] else: # (1) Map a string into its binary representation unshaped_bpe_repr = self.enc.encode(str_entity_or_relation) # (2) if len(unshaped_bpe_repr) <= self.max_length_subword_tokens: unshaped_bpe_repr.extend( [self.dummy_id for _ in range(self.max_length_subword_tokens - len(unshaped_bpe_repr))]) else: # @TODO: What to do ? # print(f'Larger length is detected from all lengths have seen:{str_entity_or_relation} | {len(unshaped_bpe_repr)}') pass return unshaped_bpe_repr
[docs] def get_padded_bpe_triple_representation(self, triples: List[List[str]]) -> Tuple[List, List, List]: """ Parameters ---------- triples Returns ------- """ assert isinstance(triples, List) if isinstance(triples[0], List) is False: triples = [triples] assert len(triples[0]) == 3 padded_bpe_h = [] padded_bpe_r = [] padded_bpe_t = [] for [str_s, str_p, str_o] in triples: padded_bpe_h.append(self.get_bpe_token_representation(str_s)) padded_bpe_r.append(self.get_bpe_token_representation(str_p)) padded_bpe_t.append(self.get_bpe_token_representation(str_o)) return padded_bpe_h, padded_bpe_r, padded_bpe_t
[docs] def set_model_train_mode(self) -> None: """ Setting the model into training mode Parameter --------- Returns --------- """ self.model.train() for parameter in self.model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = True
[docs] def set_model_eval_mode(self) -> None: """ Setting the model into eval mode Parameter --------- Returns --------- """ self.model.eval() for parameter in self.model.parameters(): parameter.requires_grad = False
@property def name(self): return
[docs] def sample_entity(self, n: int) -> List[str]: assert isinstance(n, int) assert n >= 0 return random.sample([i for i in self.entity_to_idx.keys()], n)
[docs] def sample_relation(self, n: int) -> List[str]: assert isinstance(n, int) assert n >= 0 return random.sample([i for i in self.relation_to_idx.keys()], n)
[docs] def is_seen(self, entity: str = None, relation: str = None) -> bool: if entity is not None: return True if self.entity_to_idx.get(entity) else False if relation is not None: return True if self.relation_to_idx.get(relation) else False
[docs] def save(self) -> None: t = str( if self.construct_ensemble: save_checkpoint_model(self.model, path=self.path + f'/model_ensemble_interactive_{str(t)}.pt') else: save_checkpoint_model(self.model, path=self.path + f'/model_interactive_{str(t)}.pt')
[docs] def get_entity_index(self, x: str): return self.entity_to_idx[x]
[docs] def get_relation_index(self, x: str): return self.relation_to_idx[x]
[docs] def index_triple(self, head_entity: List[str], relation: List[str], tail_entity: List[str]) -> Tuple[ torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor]: """ Index Triple Parameter --------- head_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. relation: List[str] String representation of selected relations. tail_entity: List[str] String representation of selected entities. Returns: Tuple --------- pytorch tensor of triple score """ n = len(head_entity) assert n == len(relation) == len(tail_entity) idx_head_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in head_entity]).reshape(n, 1) idx_relation = torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[i] for i in relation]).reshape(n, 1) idx_tail_entity = torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in tail_entity]).reshape(n, 1) return idx_head_entity, idx_relation, idx_tail_entity
[docs] def add_new_entity_embeddings(self, entity_name: str = None, embeddings: torch.FloatTensor = None): assert isinstance(entity_name, str) and isinstance(embeddings, torch.FloatTensor) if entity_name in self.entity_to_idx: print(f'Entity ({entity_name}) exists..') else: self.entity_to_idx[entity_name] = len(self.entity_to_idx) self.idx_to_entity[self.entity_to_idx[entity_name]] = entity_name self.num_entities += 1 self.model.num_entities += 1 = (, embeddings.unsqueeze(0)), dim=0) self.model.entity_embeddings.num_embeddings += 1
[docs] def get_entity_embeddings(self, items: List[str]): """ Return embedding of an entity given its string representation Parameter --------- items: entities Returns --------- """ if self.configs["byte_pair_encoding"]: t_encode = self.enc.encode_batch(items) if len(t_encode) != self.configs["max_length_subword_tokens"]: for i in range(len(t_encode)): t_encode[i].extend( [self.dummy_id for _ in range(self.configs["max_length_subword_tokens"] - len(t_encode[i]))]) return self.model.token_embeddings(torch.LongTensor(t_encode)).flatten(1) else: return self.model.entity_embeddings(torch.LongTensor([self.entity_to_idx[i] for i in items]))
[docs] def get_relation_embeddings(self, items: List[str]): """ Return embedding of a relation given its string representation Parameter --------- items: relations Returns --------- """ return self.model.relation_embeddings(torch.LongTensor([self.relation_to_idx[i] for i in items]))
[docs] def construct_input_and_output(self, head_entity: List[str], relation: List[str], tail_entity: List[str], labels): """ Construct a data point :param head_entity: :param relation: :param tail_entity: :param labels: :return: """ idx_head_entity, idx_relation, idx_tail_entity = self.index_triple(head_entity, relation, tail_entity) x = torch.hstack((idx_head_entity, idx_relation, idx_tail_entity)) # Hard Labels labels: object = torch.FloatTensor(labels) return x, labels
[docs] def parameters(self): return self.model.parameters()
[docs] class AbstractCallback(ABC, lightning.pytorch.callbacks.Callback): """ Abstract class for Callback class for knowledge graph embedding models Parameter --------- """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def on_init_start(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameter --------- trainer: model: Returns --------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_init_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call at the beginning of the training. Parameter --------- trainer: model: Returns --------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_fit_start(self, trainer, model): """ Call at the beginning of the training. Parameter --------- trainer: model: Returns --------- None """ return
[docs] def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, model): """ Call at the end of each epoch during training. Parameter --------- trainer: model: Returns --------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_train_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call at the end of each mini-batch during the training. Parameter --------- trainer: model: Returns --------- None """ pass
[docs] def on_fit_end(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call at the end of the training. Parameter --------- trainer: model: Returns --------- None """ pass
[docs] class AbstractPPECallback(AbstractCallback): """ Abstract class for Callback class for knowledge graph embedding models Parameter --------- """ def __init__(self, num_epochs, path, epoch_to_start, last_percent_to_consider): super(AbstractPPECallback, self).__init__() self.num_epochs = num_epochs self.path = path self.sample_counter = 0 self.epoch_count = 0 self.alphas = None if epoch_to_start is not None: self.epoch_to_start = epoch_to_start try: assert self.epoch_to_start < self.num_epochs except AssertionError: raise AssertionError(f"--epoch_to_start {self.epoch_to_start} " f"must be less than --num_epochs {self.num_epochs}") self.num_ensemble_coefficient = self.num_epochs - self.epoch_to_start + 1 elif last_percent_to_consider is None: self.epoch_to_start = 1 self.num_ensemble_coefficient = self.num_epochs - 1 else: # Compute the last X % of the training self.epoch_to_start = self.num_epochs - int(self.num_epochs * last_percent_to_consider / 100) self.num_ensemble_coefficient = self.num_epochs - self.epoch_to_start
[docs] def on_fit_start(self, trainer, model): pass
[docs] def on_fit_end(self, trainer, model): if os.path.exists(f"{self.path}/"): param_ensemble = torch.load(f"{self.path}/", torch.device("cpu")) model.load_state_dict(param_ensemble) else: print(f"No parameter ensemble found at {self.path}/")
[docs] def store_ensemble(self, param_ensemble) -> None: # (3) Save the updated parameter ensemble model., f=f"{self.path}/") if self.sample_counter > 1: self.sample_counter += 1