CLIInputFileWorker |
Worker to execute a query against a CLI process, the connection.service will be the command to execute the query against.
CLIInputPrefixWorker |
Worker to execute a query against a CLI process, the connection.service will be the command to execute the query against.
CLIInputWorker |
Worker to execute a query against a CLI process, the connection.service will be the command to execute the query against.
CLIWorker |
Worker to execute a query again a CLI process, the connection.service will be the command to execute the query against.
HttpGetWorker |
HTTP Get Worker.
HttpPostWorker |
HTTP Post worker.
HttpWorker |
Abstract HTTP worker
MultipleCLIInputWorker |
Worker to execute a query against a CLI process, the connection.service will be the command to execute the query against.
SPARQLWorker |
A Worker using SPARQL 1.1 to create service request.
UPDATEWorker |
A Worker using SPARQL Updates to create service request.