Extend Metrics
Developed a new metric or simply want to use one that isn't implemented?
Start by extending the AbstractMetric
package org.benchmark.metric
public class MyMetric extends AbstractMetric{
public void receiveData(Properties p) {
public void close() {
protected void callbackClose() {
Receive Data
This method will receive all the results during the benchmark.
You'll receive a few values regarding that one query execution, the time it took, if it succeeded, if not if it was a timeout, a wrong HTTP Code or unkown. Further on the result size of the query.
If your metric is a single value metric you can use the processData
method, which will automatically add each value together.
However if your metric is query specific you can use the addDataToContainter
method. (Look at the QPSMetric.
Be aware that both mehtods will save the results for each worker used. This allows to calcualte the overall metric as well the metric for each worker itself.
We will go with the single-value metric for now.
An example on how to retrieve every possible value and saving the time and success.
public void receiveData(Properties p) {
double time = Double.parseDouble(p.get(COMMON.RECEIVE_DATA_TIME).toString());
long tmpSuccess = Long.parseLong(p.get(COMMON.RECEIVE_DATA_SUCCESS).toString());
long success = tmpSuccess>0?1:0;
long failure = success==1?0:1;
long timeout = tmpSuccess==COMMON.QUERY_SOCKET_TIMEOUT?1:0;
long unknown = tmpSuccess==COMMON.QUERY_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION?1:0;
long wrongCode = tmpSuccess==COMMON.QUERY_HTTP_FAILURE?1:0;
if(p.containsKey(COMMON.RECEIVE_DATA_SIZE)) {
size = Long.parseLong(p.get(COMMON.RECEIVE_DATA_SIZE).toString());
Properties results = new Properties();
results.put(TOTAL_TIME, time);
results.put(TOTAL_SUCCESS, success);
Properties extra = getExtraMeta(p);
processData(extra, results);
In this method you should finally calculate your metric and send the results.
protected void callbackClose() {
//create model to contain results
Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
Property property = getMetricProperty();
Double sum = 0.0;
// Go over each worker and add metric results to model.
for(Properties key : dataContainer.keySet()){
Double totalTime = (Double) dataContainer.get(key).get(TOTAL_TIME);
Integer success = (Integer) dataContainer.get(key).get(TOTAL_SUCCESS);
Double noOfQueriesPerHour = hourInMS*success*1.0/totalTime;
Resource subject = getSubject(key);
m.add(subject, property, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(noOfQueriesPerHour));
// Add overall metric to model
m.add(getTaskResource(), property, ResourceFactory.createTypedLiteral(sum));
//Send data to storage
The constructor parameters will be provided the same way the Task get's the parameters, thus simply look at Extend Task.